How many Gospels contain Infancy Narratives, what are their names?
2 out of 4, Matthew and Luke
5 Common Elements in Infancy Narratives
Angels...glorious event
Why are the 2 infancy narratives different?
The 2 infancy stories are different because they are writing to different audiences. Matthew was writing for the Jews, Luke was writing to the rich Gentiles.
What are Matthew's 3 themes?
1.) Jesus is the Messiah
2.) Jesus is the new Moses
3.) Jesus was rejected by the Jews, but accepted by the Gentiles
What is Luke's 1 theme?
1.) Good news is for everyone, especially the poor
Matthew's genealogy goes from..
Abraham to Jesus
Luke's genealogy goes from....
Jesus to Adam
How long was Jesus' hidden years
30 years
How long was Jesus' public life?
3 years
4 Logical deductions about hidden years
1.) Carpenter
2.) Circumcised
3.) Educated
4.) Religous
What event started Jesus' public life?
What was John the Baptists role?
Prepare the way of the lord
What are the 2 symbols in the baptism accounts? What do they symbolize?
1.) Dove and Voice
2.) Holy Spirit and Father
How long was Jesus tempted in the desert?
40 days
Name the 3 temptations and the power associated with each.
1.) Turn stones to bread...Economical
2.) Jump off temple and not get hurt...Magical
3.) Bow down and worship satan...Politcal
Apostle means..
"To send Forth"
What are the 7 deadly sins?
1.) Envy