endocrine cells in pancreatic islets
Pancreas produces:
glucagon (alpha cells) & insulin (beta cells)
Alpha cells
produce glucagon
Beta cells
produce insulin
Alpha and Beta cells regulate:
blood glucose levels and are controlled by glucose levels
Insulin increases:
uptake of glucose by cells, storing glucose as glycogen, and conversion of lipids
Insulin inhibits:
glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
Glucagon promotes:
glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
Glucagon increases:
blood glucose levels
Diabetes Mellitus
results from hyposecretion
Type I:
complete cessation of secretion, probably from autoimmune disease; requires insulin injections
Type II:
reduced production from exhaustion due to poor diet, obesity, etc.; often treated by diet&exercise
produce estrogen and progesterone
Ovaries regulate:
development and function of femal reproductive system
produce testosterone
Testosterone increases:
muscle mass and BMR in males
Testes regulates:
development and function of male reproductive system