Magnus Hirschfield- Early 20th c
a polish sexologist and gay rights activist that founded the first gay rights movement in the world
Magnus Hirschfield- Early 20th c
**1st target for Nazi book burnings
Magnus Hirschfield- Early 20th c
** can't overestimate his contributions to the history of sexuality/queer studies
Marie Curie- Early 20th c
polish woman that discovers polonium & radium
Marie Curie - Early 20th c
** developed x-ray tech that was set up in WWI
Marie Curie- Early 20th century
** won 2 Nobel prizes (physics and chemistry)
Fascism- 1930s-1940s
a political ideology that seeks to regenerate the social, economic, and cultural life of a country by basing it on a heightened sense of national belonging or ethnic identity
Fascism- 1930s-1940s
** revival of ethnic past
Nazism- 1930s-1940s
the philosophy of the German National Socialist Party under the leadership of Adolf Hitler
Nazism- 1930s-1940s
**Nazi party and consequences of their ideologies
Kristallnacht- Nov. 9&10 1938
"night of broken glass"
Kristallnacht- Nov. 9&10 1938
mobs killed > 90 Jews, beat hundreds, broke windows, set fire/destroyed 267 synagogues
Kristallnacht- Nov. 9&10 1938
**turning point in Nazi-antisemitic policy
Kristallnacht- Nov. 9&10 1938
** passivity of German civilians
Night Witches 1942-1945
all- female group of soviet fighter pilots in WWII
Night Witches 1942-1945
"night witches: because they flew in darkness w/ a fainting whoosing sound
Night Witches 1942-1945
** skilled and committed
Night Witches 1942-1945
**3000 mission; renowned success rate
D-Day June 6th, 1944
largest amphibious assault in world history launched by President Eisenhower
D-Day June 6th, 1944
** Normandy invasion marked the beginning of the end of War in Europe
Manhattan Project 1942-1945
a top secret atomic bomb that developed in 1942 and was tested by 1945
Manhattan Project 1942-1945
Hiroshima was launched Aug 6, 1945; killed 100,000 people
Nagasaki launched Aug 9, 1945; killed 100,000 people
Manhattan Project 1942-1945
Japan surrendered Aug 14, 1945 ending WWII
Manhattan Project 1942-1945
** the reason Japan didn't surrender earlier was because they didn't want to give up their emperor
NATO 1949
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
peacetime military alliance w/ Canada & Western European Nations
NATO 1949
** the first time in history: the U.S pledged to go to war if one its allies were attacked (U.S, Canada, 10 European nations)
Cuban Missile Crisis- 1962
Kennedy increases ICBM's in Europe= intense arms race
Cuban Missile Crisis- 1962
Oct 22, Kennedy warned any attack from Cuba would trigger a full nuclear assault against the Soviet Union
Cuban Missile Crisis- 1962
** US, Soviet Union & Great Britain signed a limited nuclear test ban treaty, reducing the threat of a nuclear fallout