Generalized beliefs about the characteristics associated with the members of a specific social groups.
- allows assumptions to be made about a person/ group based on limited information
- they affect the behaviors of those who hold the stereotype and those who are labeled by it
- may be positive or negative, however most stereotypes today are leading to discrimination and prejudice
Stereotype Threat
Occurs when an individual is in a situation where they are prone to be judged or treated stereotypically
- it is also the fear that the individual will conform to the stereotype, in other words, you feel that you might behave in a way that confirms a stereotype about a group that you belong to.
- such threats could turn on "spotlight anxiety" which
causes emotional distress and pressure that may lead to lack of
confidence, self-defeating behaviors, and disengaged attitude.
- ironically, these resulting ne4gative behaviors could cause a self-fulfilling prophecy... when a perception held by a person alters his/her behavior in a way that tends to make it true.
Study Used
Spencer et Al. (1977): Stereotype Threats