- The Church collected taxes but instead of using the money for useful things they decided to spend the money on themselves and to live a life of luxury.
- People working for the church (Clergy) sold indulgences and basically said if you payed them they would forgive you sins and God will send you to heaven.
- Bibles were written in Latin and most people could not understand it and the Clergy and the Cardinals would lie to people who did not speak it and tell them to give the Church money.
- Most people felt that they were being told what to do by the Church and not having a direct relationship with God.
Martin Luther
- realized that the Church was taking peoples money and not being responsible with it so he wrote 95 things that he disagreed with the Church.
- gained many followers and developed another branch of Christianity (Protestantism)
- translated the Bible into German so more people could understand what it actually said.
- believed that God chooses who goes to heaven or hell before they were even born - peoples actions or faith does not determine weather or not you ill go to heaven or hell.
- gained followers and created another branch of Christianity (Calvinism)
King Henry VII
- killed Catholics in England due to the Churches denile of him getting a divorce
- married and divorced 5 times
- took over monks and gave some of his land away
- worked to spread Catholicisms and known for their discipline
- founded colleges and schools to make them catholic - sent missionaries all around the world
- Catholic church brought it back - started to kill anybody who was not catholic