Savory (adj)
tasty, appetizing; pungent or salty, not sweet; inoffensive, respectable
Grotesque (adj)
unnatural, distorted; bizarre
Complacent (adj)
self-satisfied; overly content
Vehement (adj)
intense, forceful, powerful
Concur (v)
to express agreement, approve
Somnolent (adj)
sleepy, drowsy
Raucous (adj)
disagreeably harsh-sounding; disorderly
Reticent (adj)
not inclined to speak; reserved; reluctant
Receptive (adj)
open and responsive to ideas or suggestions
Explicate (v)
to make plain or clear, explain; to interpret
Chagrin (n)
irritation or humiliation caused by disappointment or frustration
Abrasive (adj)
causing irritation, harsh; grinding or wearing down
Zealous (adj)
eager, earnest, devoted
Defamation (n)
slander or libel
Chagrin (v)
to cause a feeling of irritation or humiliation
Fracas (n)
a noisy quarrel or brawl
Renounce (v)
to give up or resign something
Voluble (adj)
characterized by a ready flow of words; glib, fluent
Repress (v)
to hold back; to put down or check by force
Pandemonium (n)
a wild uproar, din, or commotion
Acclimate (v)
to adapt to a new climate, environment, or situation
Abrasive (n)
a substance used to smooth or polish