Medical Terminology for Health Professions, Spiral bound Version: Chapter 14 The Reproductive System Flashcards

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Select the medical term that means male sterilization procedure in which a small portion of the vas deferens is surgically blocked or cut.

A vasectomy is the male sterilization procedure in which a small portion of the vas deferens is surgically blocked or cut ( vas means vas deferens, and -ectomy means surgical removal).


Select the medical term that means inflammation of one or both testicles.

Orchitis, also known as testitis, is inflammation of one or both testicles ( orch means testicle, and -itis means inflammation).


Select the medical term that means a painful and persistent erection lasting 4 hours or more.

Priapism is a painful and persistent erection lasting 4 hours or more, but is either not caused by sexual excitement or does not go away after sexual stimulation has ended.


Select the medical term that means surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis.

Circumcision is the surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis.


Select the medical term that means STD caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum.

Syphilis, which is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum, has many symptoms that are difficult to distinguish from other STDs.


How would Dr. Reyes explain andropause to his patient?

Andropause is a condition, sometimes referred to as male menopause, that is marked by the decrease of the male hormone testosterone ( andr/o means male or masculine, and -pause means stopping).


What is hematospermia?

Hematospermia is the presence of blood in the semen ( hemat/o means relating to blood, sperm means sperm, and -ia means abnormal condition).


The transcriptionist has trouble spelling the medical term, varicocele, so she looks this up in her medical dictionary. What definition would follow the term?

A varicocele is a knot of widening varicose veins in one side of the scrotum ( varic/o means varicose veins, and -cele means a hernia or swelling).


Which of the following best describes an orchiopexy?

An orchiopexy is the repair of cryptorchidism, which is an undescended testicle ( orchi/o means testicle, and -pexy means surgical fixation).


How would you define trichomoniasis?

Trichomoniasis, also known as trich, is an infection caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis.


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Enter the correct spelling of the term dysparunea.















Select the medical term that means: benign tumors composed of muscle and fibrous tissue that occurs in the wall of the uterus

Uterine fibroids, also known as myomas, are benign tumors composed of muscle and fibrous tissue that occurs in the wall of the uterus.


Select the medical term that means: a round, firm, rubbery mass that arises from excess growth of glandular and connective tissue in the breast

fibroadenoma is a round, firm, rubbery mass that arises from excess growth of glandular and connective tissue in the breast ( fibr/o means fibrous tissue, aden means gland, and -oma means tumor).


Select the medical term that means: a dangerous condition in which a fertilized egg is implanted and begins to develop outside of the uterus

An ectopic pregnancy, also known as an extrauterine pregnancy, is a dangerous condition in which a fertilized egg is implanted and begins to develop outside of the uterus. Ectopic means out of place.


Select the medical term that means: a procedure in which the uterus and cervix are removed

In a total hysterectomy, also known as a complete hysterectomy, the uterus and cervix are removed.


Select the medical term that means: the removal of the uterus, ligaments, cervix and a portion of the vagina

A radical hysterectomy is the removal of the uterus, ligaments, cervix and a portion of the vagina.


Which term describes a woman who has never borne a viable child?

A nullipara is a woman who has never borne a viable child (NULLI- means none, and -PARA means to bring forth).


Which term describes the surgical affixation of sagging breasts into a more elevated position?

Mastopexy is a surgical procedure performed to affix sagging breasts in a more elevated position (MAST/O means breast, and -PEXY means surgical fixation).


What is the medical term for the decrease in the amount of testosterone in the aging male?

Andropause is marked by the decrease of the male hormone testosterone (ANDR/O means male or masculine, and -PAUSE means stopping).


What is the medical term for the surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis?



What is the medical term for an involuntary spasm of the pelvic floor muscles, which closes off the vagina?

Vaginismus is an involuntary spasm of the pelvic floor muscles, which closes off the vagina (VAGIN means vagina, and -ISMUS means spasm or contraction).


Which of the following options describes the spermatic cord?

extends upward from the epididymis and is attached to each testicle


Which of the following is caused by a parasite?

Trichomoniasis is caused by the parasite Trichomonas vaginalis.


Which part of the uterus is the bulging, rounded part above the entrance to the fallopian tubes?



Which of the following options describes a vasovasostomy?

A vasovasostomy is a procedure performed as an attempt to restore fertility to a male who has undergone a vasectomy (VAS/O means blood vessel, VAS means the vas deferens, and -OSTOMY means surgically creating an opening).


Which of the following options describes priapism?

a painful and persistent erection lasting 4 hours or more


What is the medical term for a round, firm, rubbery mass that arises from excess growth of glandular and connective tissue in the breast?

A fibroadenoma is a round, firm, rubbery mass that arises from excess growth of glandular and connective tissue in the breast (FIBR/O means fibrous tissue, ADEN means gland, and -OMA means tumor).


What is the medical term for an infant during the first 4 weeks after birth?



What is the medical term for a surgical incision made in the perineum to enlarge the vaginal orifice to facilitate childbirth?

An episiotomy is a surgical incision made in the perineum to enlarge the vaginal orifice to facilitate childbirth (EPISI means vulva, and -OTOMY means a surgical incision).


A surgical puncture to obtain a specimen of amniotic fluid is known as ---.

Amniocentesis is a surgical puncture with a needle to obtain a specimen of amniotic fluid (AMNIO means amnion and fetal membrane, and -CENTESIS means a surgical puncture to remove fluid).


The suffix -GENESIS means --- in the term spermatogenesis.

The suffix -GENESIS means creation. Spermatogenesis is the process of sperm formation (SPERMAT/O means sperm, and -GENESIS means creation).


The surgical removal of uterine fibroids is known as a/an ---.

A myomectomy is the surgical removal of uterine fibroids (MYOM means muscle tumor, and -ECTOMY means surgical removal).


In a(n) --- pregnancy, the fertilized egg is implanted and begins to develop somewhere outside the uterus.

An ectopic pregnancy is a potentially dangerous condition in which a fertilized egg is implanted and begins to develop outside the uterus.


The surgical removal of a cone-shaped specimen of tissue from the cervix is known as ---.



The beginning of the menstruation is known as ---, which occurs after maturation that occurs during puberty.

Menarche is the beginning of menstruation (MEN means menstruation, and -ARCHE means beginning).


The --- is a retractable double-layered fold of skin and mucous membrane that covers and protects the glans penis.



The direct visual examination of the interior of the uterus and fallopian tubes is known as ---.

Hysteroscopy is the direct visual examination of the interior of the uterus and fallopian tubes (HYSTER/O means uterus, and -SCOPY means direct visual examination).


The surgical removal of a testicle is known as a/an ---.

An orchiectomy is the surgical removal of one or both testicles (ORCH/I means testicle, and -ECTOMY means surgical removal).


The medical term for a low sperm count is ---.

Oligospermia is also known as a low sperm count (OLIG/O means few, SPERM means sperm, and -IA means abnormal condition).


Select word parts from the selection menus below to construct the correct medical term for the definition.

Clue: the production of breast milk in a woman who is not breastfeeding

Galactorrhea is the production of breast milk in a woman who is not breastfeeding (GALACT/O means milk, and -RRHEA means flow or discharge).


Select word parts from the selection menus below to construct the correct medical term for the definition.

Clue: the absence of sperm in the semen

Azoospermia is the absence of sperm in the semen (A- means without, ZOO means life, SPERM means sperm, and -IA means abnormal condition).