base-10 numbering system
Multiple Inheritance
having more than 1 parent (Java is not defined this way)
the location of where the data can be used
The physical parts of a computer
Return Type
the type of the data that is being sent back to the driver program
Widening Conversion
when placing an integer into a double variable -adding information
Lexicographic Ordering
an ordering of characters/words that says capital letters come before lowercase letters
Binary Search
a search that splits the data in half as you are proceeding through to find your item
Either true or false value
Another name for a program
An instance of a class
Class Hierarchy
a way to figure out who the parent class is versus who the children are when doing inheritance
Arithmetic operator
an operator that takes numbers as operands
the data that is being sent back to the driver program
String concatenation
Adding more than one string together with the + sign
Primitive data type
an int, double, char or boolean
Pass by value
Primitive data - the number is actually copied to the parameter's address
Relational operator
used when making a comparison ->, <, <=, >=, ==, !=
When a method does not return anything
something that cannot change -use the reserved word "final"