Renaissance Flashcards

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created 2 years ago by samow234
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  • Developed humanism
    • Focused on human life no religion
  • Success of the individual
  • Any ideas to help one’s life were good
  • Ancient greek and roman text were good to use as resources to solve life's problems science, Ethics, politics
  • Improvements of architecture,literature,and the arts



Who started it: Petrarchand Giovanni Boccaccio

Came from Italy

How did they start it: they found old copies of the classic works

Traveled on trade routes and cities to find ancient text

What was it: humanism was used to improve people lives

They get an education

Everyone else starts to do more


How did ideas from regions outside of Europe influence the Renaissance?

Muslim Empire:

  • They were strongly influenced by Greek philosophy, especially the ideas of Aristotle
  • Muslims made many significant and cultural advances
  • Through Muslim traders
  • Used this knowledge to make advances in arts and learning
  • Made up of city-states
  • Each city controlled their own trade and government
  • Muslims gave them math, science, medicine


How did the Renaissance spread throughout Europe?

  • The ideas stated to spread beyond Italy and in to other areas of Europe
  • Merchants,diplomats and scholars visited Italy and learned about physiology and humanism and saw great art
  • They brought back the new ideas and learning
  • Started to influence other cultures nations
  • Soldiers attacked Italy but were amazed of what they found, told people what they found
  • Leaders in France brought humanist and great artist to France (patrons)


How did the ideas of the Renaissance continue to spread and grow?

  • Advances in technology led more people to know about the renaissance
  • Johannes Gutenberg invented a printing press and increased the spread of books
  • Then spread humanism books
  • Eventually there was a development there own type of humanism called Christian humanism
  • Contact between nations helped the influence
  • increased the number of book so less money (poor could read)
  • Develop their own type of humanism


Scientific Revolution/ Humanist contribute

  • The ideas of humanism spread to the science
  • They applied humanism to there work
    • Asking questions
    • Making observations
    • And drawing conclusion based on reason
  • Thinker were influenced by the humanists and ideas of the past

Main goal :go back and look at classical greek and roman ideas and prove them wrong


Scientific Revolution as a whole

  • Greatly influenced art, culture and science
  • Greek rationalism to help them observe and study the world around them
  • Humanist and Greek set a foundation for the studies
  • The foundation encouraged thinkers to think differently


Greek Rationalism/contribute

  • Encouraged the thinkers to observe the universe around them and draw a new conclusion about the natural world
  • How it worked rather than accept the commonly held assumptions or religions doctrine as the only possible answers
  • Thinkers of the science revolution had to go against what the Greek first thought was correct


Catholic church/contribute

  • Very powerful and influential throughout Europe
  • The bible and church doctrine were the authorities on how the universe was formed
  • Biblical passages were taken as proof of any scientific ideas
  • Any theories that went against that church's teachings were considered a departure from the truth and not accepted


Nicolaus Copernicus/contribute

  • Went against the common belief of the geocentric theory and came up with the heliocentric theory
  • Started that the sun is the center of the universe not the earth and the planets rotate around it
  • Church accepted his theory but placed Copernicus's book on the banned list
  • Out of sight out of mind


Johannes Kepler/contribute

  • Defended Copernicus heliocentric theory
  • Made improvements to Copernicus theory as well
    • Used mathematics to prove Copernicus
    • Added that the planets orbit were elliptical not circular
  • Came up with the laws of planetary motion
    • Law of ellipse
    • Law of equal area
    • Law of harmonies



  • Advanced the ideas of the telescope used his telescope and discovered
  • Observed the surface of the moon not smooth but had terrain
  • Sunspots of the sun
  • Observed the moons of Jupiter
  • Used his telescope to prove Copernicus theory angered the catholic church
  • Was put on trial by the church and sentenced to house arrest until he died


Sir Isaac Newton/contribute

  • Studied the motion of objects produced the 3 laws of motion
  • Supported Copernicus theory helped explain why objects stayed in nothing like the planets around the sun
  • Like the other thinkers of this time newton seed experiment observation and reasoning to understand the world around him scientific method


Niccolo Machiavelli

The prince - still used as a “handbook” for politician


Leonardo Da Vinci

The Virgin of the rocks, the last supper Mona Lisa - accurate sketches of human body, his designs lead the way for future design



The Holy Family, ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Pita and David - Famous for his realistic depiction of the humans



Paintings of Madonna's, Jesus's mother, School of Athens and transfiguration - powerful, collaborative church paintings and storytelling within his paintings


Jan van Eyck

Mystic Lamb, Arnolfini Portraits - Used Oil paint and crafts smaller more intimate realism


William Shakespeare

Macbeth, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer night's dream, Twelfth night - Plays are still used today and books are based on his themes