Decision-Making Process 8 Steps
1. Problem Identification
2. Decision making criteria (most
relevance factors in solving the problem)
3. Weighting of the
criteria (from 1 to 10)
4. Identifying alternatives
5. Analyzing alternatives (against standers)
6. Making the
7. Implementing the
decision (planning, communication)
8. Evaluating the
outcome (EEAA , Efficient, Effective, Appropriate, Adequate)
Basic types of decisions include
- Programmed (Frontline manager, routine, predictable, structured problems)
- Programmable (start-up, new managers, problems ^)
- non-programmed (Top level manager, new, unusual, and unpredictable, unstructured problems)
Decision-Making Styles
- Avoider - procrastinator
- Solver - reactive
- Seeker - proactive
Group decision making is subject to what dynamics
- Accommodation – dominant member
- De Facto Decisions – made passively
- Groupthink – group cohesiveness
Methods used to facilitate group decision making include
- Brainstorming
- Nominal Group Technique
- Delphi Technique
The Communication Process 6 steps
1. Sender of message
2. Encoding meaning of the message
Transmitting through channels influences by noise
4. Decoding
meaning of the message
5. Receiver understanding of the
6. Feedback loop
Hearing VS Listening
- Hearing is a physical sense that is involuntary and passive and may be done without paying attention. Effortless, accidental.
- Listening is a active process that requires effort or attention from the listener. Focused, voluntary, intentional.
1. Content
2. Language
3. Symbols (tangible)
Delivery style
5. Complexity (detail)
6. Focus
What dose massage packaging means, and what does it includes?
The packaging of a
message refers to how the message is conveyed.
Packaging includes:
• Channels
• Setting
• Noise
• Feedback
• Personal Characteristics
types of channels
- direct
- indirect
Meaning of Artifacts
tangible items, the presence and placement of which may interfere with communication
Meaning of Proxemics
describes the spatial relationships between the sender
receiver of the message
Communication Barriers
- Regional language
- Gender
- Generational differences
- Becoming emotional
- Ignoring conflicting information
Guidelines for Intercultural Communication
• Expect
cultural differences
• Learn about other
• objective observer
of differences
• different means “different"
• Don’t
jump to conclusions
• Avoid stereotyping
• try taking other perspective
• value diversity
What is Marketing ?
- is a management tool
- focuses on identifying the needs, wants, and demands of customers and developing products to meet them
Marketing influences dietetics in what ways
• Dietitians are marketers of their own products
• The
profession of dietetics is a target market for businesses
An organization may view its marketplace in one of five ways list them
1. Production
perspective favor products that are readily
available and
2. Product
perspective focuses on the product features.
3. Selling
perspective focused on getting the customer to purchase the
product - promotion.
4. Marketing
perspective considers production, sales, products, and
promotion based on consumers needs, wants, demands.
5. Social marketing
perspective balances the needs wants and demands of the
consumer with those of the organization and of society.
Target Markets
- segmentation - subgroup characteristics
- targeting - studying the market segment to determine products developed
- positioning - presenting a product with the features
market research consist of
- Needs identification - be selective & avoid info overload - about target market & competition.
- Information gathering - primary & secondary data
- Data analysis - evaluation
primary VS secondary data
- Primary data is information that is gather specifically for that purpose
- Secondary data is information that is already available, either free or available for purchase
The Four P’s of Marketing (mix)
• Product - goods vs services
• Place - distribution channel
simple (direct) or complex (indirect)
• Price
• Promotion
goods vs services
- Goods - tangible products - Ownership is transferable
- Services - intangibility, inseparability, variability, perishability
wholesaler vs retailer
- A wholesaler is a person who buys products from the producer and sells them to the retailer, who then sells them to the user
- A retailer is a
person who sells products to the end
user of that product - retailer often purchase their product from middlemen
Service Distribution is usually dependent on
direct channels because of inseparability
cost of producing the product includes
• Cost of raw materials
• Cost of labor
• Anticipated
• Overhead costs
In healthcare foodservice price is often based
on the formula that food cost is 40% of the selling price of an
Pricing strategy also takes the following factors into consideration
• Price of competitive products
• Perceived value of the
• Customer expectations
• Pricing psychology
Available subsidies
• State of the economy
• Price adjustments
Price adjustments include
• Promotions pricing
• Options pricing
• Product line pricing
Promotion Techniques include
• Advertising - one way impersonal
• Personal selling - face to
• Sales promotion - coupons, sales, or games
• Public
relations - unpaid, more credible
• Merchandising - physical display