VE Day
“Victory in Europe”
Third Reich
What Hitler called his German Empire
“Lightning War”
Axis Powers
Germany, Italy, Japan
Where Britain evacuated its people from France, “Miracle”
VJ Day
“Victory over Japan”
Munich Conference
Western allies decided to give Sudetenland to Germany to avoid war, “Peace in our Lifetime”
Giving in to the demands of a dictator to avoid war
Battle of Britain
Air war over Britain that would decide Britain’s fate
Turning point in World war II; German 6th Army destroyed by Soviet Union over a city’s name
Allied Powers
Britain, France, United States, Soviet Union
Operation Barbarossa
Code name for German invasion of Soviet Union
D Day
Where Allies invaded France to take it back from Germany; Normandy
Phony War
Period after war started when Germany and Allies were at war but no one attacked “Sitzkrieg”
Winston Churchill
British Prime minister during WWII who vowed to never give up, never surrender
Nonaggression Pact
Where Germany and Soviet Union agree to not attack each other for 10 years
Nuremberg War Trials
Where Britain/US tried Nazi war criminals
Not participating in global affairs
Neville Chamberlain
British Prime Minister who advocated appeasement
Japanese city where US dropped first atom bomb