drive reduction theory
motivation arises from imbalances in homeostasis
optimum arousal theory
there is an ideal level of anxiety or stress that leads to peak performance
Maslow's hierarchy
needs lower down in the hierarchy must be satisfied before the higher ones can be achieved
cognitive dissonance theory
uncomfortable state of mind arising when you recognize inconsistencies in beliefs and behaviors
lateral hypothalamus / bentromedial hypothalamus
brings on hunger / depresses hunger
set point theory
body adjusts food intake based on your weight loss/gain
james-lange theory
physical change occur first --> experience of emotion
cannon-bard theory
physical change and experience of emotions at the same time
adaption-level phenomenon
tendency people have to quickly adapt to a new situation until that situation becomes the norm.
central adaptation syndrome
stress causing a decrease in function
social clock
society's commonly accepted judgement about the best time for certain life events
object permanence - sensorimotor stage
child's ability to understand that an object exists
certain animals form strong attachments during an early life critical period
instincts, natural drives and behaviors
uses reality principle to find a realistic strategy
incorporates the values and morals we learned from parents and society
Roger's growth theory
genuineness, acceptance, empathy
cardinal traits
dominant traits that defines personality
central trait
main traits
secondary trait
traits that are less central
big five theory
emotional stability, extraversion, agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness
reciprocal determinism
personality is shaped by an interaction among cognitive, behaviors, and environmental factors
self serving bias
we percieve ourselves more favorably
achievenment test
intended to reflect what you have already learned
aptitude test
intended to predict your ability to learn a new skill
principles of test construction
standardization, reliability, validity
fair to everyone, consistent results, what the test is supposed to measure or predict
content validity: how a test measures a trait
predictive validity: how the test predicts a trait
stereotype threat
concern that one will be evaluated based on a negative stereotype
crystalized knoweldge
the knowledge that comes from prior learning
flynn effect
trend of increasing intelligence scores as time passes