in, into (Gr)
kainos (cene)
new, recent (Gr)
knide (cnid)
a nettle (Gr)
lysis (lys) – loosening (Gr)
loosening (Gr)
mesos (mes)
middle (Gr)
mollis (moll)
soft (L)
phago (phag)
to eat (Gr)
proteros (protero)
before either in time or space (Gr)
stroma (strom)
mattress or bed (Gr)
thesis (thes)
putting or setting in order, arranging (Gr)
zoon (zo)
an animal (Gr)
virulent ulcer (L)
gold, the color of gold (L)
bacillus (bacul)
a small staff or rod (L)
botulus (botul)
a sausage (L)
chaeta (chaet)
a bristle (L)
chemeia (chem)
an infusion (Gr)
chlamys (chlamyd)
a cloak, mantle (Gr)
two, double (Gr)
out, beyond (L)
facultas (facultat)
capability, skill (L)
yeast, leaven (L)
fimbria (fimbr)
a fringe, border of fibers or threads (L)
findo (fiss)
to split (L)
flagellum (flagell)
a small whip (L)
gangraina (gangrene)
an eating ulcer (Gr)
gonos (gon)
progeny, generation, seed (Gr)
above, beyond (Gr)
hypo (hyp)
under, beneath (Gr)
inflammation of a part (Gr)
kapsa (caps)
a box (Gr)
kloster (closter)
a spindle (Gr)
take care of, attend to (Gr)
kyaneos (cyan)
dark blue (Gr)
kystis (cyst)
a bladder or pouch (Gr)
noseo (nos)
to be sick (Gr)
throat, joint opening of the windpipe (Gr)
pilus (pil)
a hair (L)
plasma (plasm)
anything formed or molded, an image (Gr)
first of all (Gr)
pyon (py)
pus (Gr)
flow (Gr)
sakcharon (sacchar)
sugar (Gr)
speira (spir)
anything wound or wrapped round (Gr)
spora (spor)
a seed (Gr)
staphyle (staphyl)
a cluster of grapes (Gr)
streptos (strept)
twisted, bent (Gr)
tetanos (tetan)
stiffness or spasm of the neck (Gr)
trakhys (trachy)
rough (Gr)
slime, poison (L)
alveolus (alveol)
a pit, small hallow (L)
amoibe (amoeb)
a change, alteration (Gr)
angeion (ang)
a vessel, reservoir, jar (Gr)
apex (apic)
a tip or point (L)
arachne (arachn)
a spider (Gr)
charieis (char)
graceful (Gr)
chloros (chlor)
green (Gr)
choane (choan)
funnel (Gr)
cilia (cil)
a hair or hair-like process (L)
diktyon (dicty)
a net (Gr)
dinos (din)
whirling (Gr)
entos (ent)
inside (Gr)
erythros (erythr)
red (Gr)
fero (fer)
to bear (L)
foramen (foramin)
a hole, a perforation (L)
frustum (frust)
piece, part (L)
glaukos (glauc)
silvery, gleaming (Gr)
glene (glen)
the eyeball (Gr)
kerkos (cerc)
tail, a handle (Gr)
kontos (kont)
a pole (Gr)
oon (oo)
an egg (Gr)
opisthen (opisth)
behind, at the back (Gr)
phthora (phthor)
destruction (Gr)
phykos (phyc)
sea weed (Gr)
phyton (phyt)
tree, plant (Gr)
pinna (penn)
a feather (L)
podos (pod)
a foot (Gr)
ray (L)
stele (stel)
boundary post of stone (Gr)
stramin (stramen)
straw (L)
furrow, trench, ditch (L)
testa (test)
a shell, brick, tile (L)
theke (thec)
a case for something, a box (Gr)
viridis (virid)
green (L)
xanthos (xanth)
the various shades of yellow (Gr)
anthos (anth)
a flower (Gr)
bryo (bry)
to be full of, to swell (Gr)
cone-bearing (L)
cutis (cut)
the skin (L)
skin, leather. (Gr)
gymnos (gymn)
naked, lightly clad (Gr)
hepar (hepat)
the liver (Gr)
imbibo (imbib)
to drink in (L)
integumentum (integument)
a covering (L)
keras (cera)
a horn (Gr)
kotyle (cotyl)
cup shaped (L)
lykos (lyc)
a wolf (Gr)
megas (meg)
great (Gr)
monile (monil)
a necklace (L)
placenta (placent)
a small round, flat cake (L)
pollen (pollin)
fine flour (L)
pyle (pyl)
a gate, entrance (Gr)
radix (radic)
root (L)
stoma (stom)
mouth (Gr)
across (L)
vasculum (vas)
a small vessel (L)
venter (ventr)
the belly (L)