APUSH Chapter 27 Flashcards

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Japanese immigrants first entered US territory to work as
a)construction workers on the transcontinental railroad
b)"yellow peril" villains in the Hollywood movie industry
c)servants and gardeners for San Francisco's wealthy elite
d)laborers on Hawaii's sugar plantations
e)factory workers in California's canning industry



The extended Open Door policy advocated in Secretary John Hay's second note called on all big powers, including the US, to
a)recognize Philippine independence at an early date
b)guarantee the independence of Cuba
c)maintain a balance of power in East Asia
d)observe the territorial integrity of China
e)pursue further investment in China



In his book Our Country: Its Possible Future and Its Present Crisis, the Reverend Josiah Strong advocated American expansion
a)to maintain the international balance of power
b)to open up new markets for industrial goods
c)to spread American religion and values
d)to ease labor violence at home
e)to maintain white racial superiority



Teddy Roosevelt promoted what might be called a "Bad Neighbor" policy by
a)building the Panama Canal
b)making Puerto Rico a US colony
c)involving the US in the border dispute between Venezuela and Britain
d)adding the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
e)sending US troops to the Dominican Republic



The British gave up their opposition to an American controlled isthmian canal because they
a)sold their rights to Philippe Bunau-Varilla
b)could see no economic gans in continuing to block cancal construction
c)confronted an unfriendly Euope and were bogged down in the Boer War
d)were involved in a war with India
e)accepted American domination of Latin America



In the Root-Takahira agreement of 1908,
a)the Japanese government agreed to limit the number of Japanese immigrant laborers entering the US
b)the US and Japan agreed to respect each other's territorial goldings in the Pacific
c)the US agreed to accept a Japanese sphere of influence in China
d)the Japanese agreed to accept the segregation of Japanese children in California schools in return for the US' recognition of control of Korea
e)Japan agreed to accept US control of the Philippines in exchange for Japanese domination of Manchuria



Theodore Roosevelt became involved in the peace settlement for the Russo-Japanese War
a) on his own initiative
b)as a way of enhancing America's position in East Asia
c)when Russia asked for his assistance
d)because he feared that the British might intervene and thus gain prestige
e)when Japan secretly asked him to help



The clash between Germany and America over the Samoan islands eventually resulted in
a)a small naval war between the two emerging powers
b)a colonial division of the islands between Germany and the US
c)complete independence for all of Samoa
d)the intervention of Japan to prevent a German-American war
e)a new American doctrine opposing any colonialism in the Pacific



In 1904 the Russo-Japanese War started because
a)Russia was seeking ice free ports in Chinese Manchuria
b)the US refused to force Russia from Sakhalin Island
c)Russia had forced Japan out of China
d)Russia feared growing Japanese power in the Pacific
e)of racial tensions between Russians and Japanese



When the US invaded Puerto Rico during the Spanish-American War,
a)the army ecountered stiff resistance from the Spanish
b)the resulting battle ended the war
c)most of the population greeted the invaders as liberating heroes
d)heavy fighting occurred in the harbor at San Juan
e)its intentions were to grant Puerto Rican independence



During the Spanish-American War, the entire Spanish fleet was destroyed at the Battle of
a) Havana
b) Santiago
c) Guantanamo
d) Samoa
e) Manila Bay



The revolution in Panama began when
a) The United States invaded the area
b) Colombian troops invaded the isthmus
c) the U.S. Congress rejected a treaty foe the sale of Panama to Colombia
d) a Chinese civilian and a donkey were killed
e) a Colombian officer shot several Panamanian civilians



On the question of whether American laws applied to the overseas territory acquired in the Spanish-American War, The Supreme Court ruled that
A. federal but not state laws applied.
B. only the President's rulings counted and Congress had no voice in the matter.
C. American laws did not necessarily apply; it was up to Congress to apply constitutional protections on a territory by territory basis.
D. only tariff laws could be enforced.
E. only the Bill of Rights applied.



The numerous near wars and diplomatic cirses of the US in the late 1880s and 1890 demonstrated
A) the hostile reaction to American expansionism.
B) that other nations were jealous of American power.
C) how weak America seemed to the rest of the world.
D) the failure of the Monroe Doctrine.
E) the aggressive new national mood.



To justify american intervention in the Venezuela boundary dispute with Britain the secretary of state Olney invoked the
a) Platt Amendment
b) Open Door policy
c) Monroe Doctrine
d) Foraker Act
e) Gentlemen's Agreement



A major weakness of Spain in the Spanish american war was
a) the lack of support from its European allies
b) the wretched condition of its navy
c) its very small army in Cuba
d) its unpreparedness to fight in a tropical climate
e) its inability to wage guerilla war



By the 1890s the US was bursting with a new sense of power generated by an increase in
a) population
b) wealth
c) industrial production
d) all of the above
e) none of the above



In an attempt to persuade Spain to leave Cuba or to encourage the US to help Cuba gain its independence Cuban insurrectos
a. attacked Spanish shipping
b. blew up the battleship Maine
c. burned the cane fields and sugar mills
d. assassinated Spanish officials
e. adopted a scorched-earth policy of burning can fields and sugan mills



The Venezuela boundary dispute was settled by
a) a grief war between Venezuela and British Guiana
b) British concession of the disputed territory to Venezuela
c) stationing U.S. marines along the disputed border
d) Arbitration of the Venezuelan and British claims
e) the mediation of Brazil and Columbia



During the boundary dispute between Venezuela and Britain the US
a) supported the Venezuelan claim
b) failed to invoke the Monroe Doctrine
c) never threatened war over the issue
d) opposed American intervention
e) "twisted the [British] lion's tail"



American imperialists who advocated acquisition of the Philippines especially stressed
a) their strategic advantage for American naval operations
b) their economic potential for American trading profits
c) the opportunity that they presented for Christian missionary work
d) the Filipinos' preference that their archipelago became an American protectorate
e) their potential as a base for intervention in China



Which of the following prominent Americans was least enthusiastic about US imperialistic adventures in the 1890s?
A) Theodore Roosevelt.
B) William Randolph Hearst.
C) Alfred Thayer Mahan.
D) William McKinley.
E) Grover Cleveland.



The Philippine insurrection was finally broken in 1901 when
A) American troops overwhelmed the Filipino rebels.
B) the islands were given their independence.
C) the Senate passed a resolution pledging eventual independence for the Philippines.
D) the Filipino resistance army splintered.
E) Emilio Aguinaldo, the Filipino leader, was captured.



The "Rough Riders" organized principally by TR,
a) were a well-disciplined fighting force
b) were trained in gueri9lla warfare
c) managed to take San Juan Hill unassisted
d) consisted primarily of Roosevelt's upper-class friends
e) were commanded by Colonel Leonard Wood



The US gained a virtual right of intervention in Cuba in the
a) insular cases
b) Platt Amendment
c) Teller Amendment
d) Foraker Act
e) Guantanamo Bay Treaty



Arrange the following events in chronological order: (A) American declaration of war on Spain, (B) sinking of the Maine, (C) passage of the Teller Amendment, (D) passage of the Platt Amendment.
a) A, B, D, C
b) D, C, B, A
c) B, A, D, C
d) B, A, C, D
e) C, D, A, B



Pres. McKinley justified american acquisition of the philippines primarily by emphasizing that
a. the Filipinos wanted to be annexed by the United States
b. the electoral success of the Republican party depended on their acquisition
c. there was no acceptable alternative to their acquisition
d. the Philippines were spoils of war and America's by right of conquest
e. there was no acceptable alternative to their acquisition



US naval captain Mahan argued that
a) free trade was essential to a nation's economic heath
b) control of the sea was the key to world domination
c) the U.S. should continue its policy of isolationism
d) an isthmian canal between the Atlantic and the Pacific was impossible
e) the U.S. should construct a fleet of battleships



Before a treaty annexing Hawaii to the US could be rushed through the US Senate in 1893
a) President Harrison's term expired and anti-imperialist Grover Cleveland became president
b) war broke out between the U.S. and Spain
c) the white American "sugar rebels" decided that Hawaii should remain independant
d) popular opinion in the U.S. turned against such colonial ventures
e) the pro-annexation forces demanded that Hawaii should be admitted to the Union as a state



America's initial Open Door Policy was essentially an argument to promote
A) free trade in China.
B) equal spheres of influence in China.
C) military protection for the Chinese emperor.
D) exclusive trade concessions for the U.S. in Shanghai.
E) the principle of self-determination.



During the building of the Panama Canal, all of the following difficulties were encountered except
A) guerrilla warfare waged by Panamanian rebels against the United States.
B) labor troubles.
C) landslides.
D) poor sanitation.
E) yellow fever.



Pres. Roosevelt organized a conference in Portsmouth, NH in 1905 to
a) extend a grant of independence to the Philippines
b) mediate a conflict between Germany and Spain over North Africa
c) arrange a mutual defense pact with Great Britain
d) establish a colonial office to manage the United States' new empire
e) mediate a conclusion to the Russo-Japanese War



Starting in 1917 many Puerto Ricans came to
A) to learn English.
B) citizenship.
C) employment.
D) independence.
E) political refuge.the mainland US seeking



The Roosevelt Corollary added a new provision to the Monroe Doctrine that was specifically designed to
A) justify U.S. intervention in the affairs of Latin American countries.
B) establish a friendly partnership with Britain so that it could join the United States in
policing Latin American affairs.
C) stop European colonization in the Western Hemisphere.
D) enable the U.S. to rule Puerto Rico and the Canal Zone.
E) restore cordial relations between the United States and Latin American countries.



Regarding the presidency, TR believed that
a) it was crucial to work with congress
b) the checks and balances among the three branches of government were essential to American government
c) the president could take any action not specifically prohibited by the laws and the constitution
d) the president should state principles but real power should be held by the cabinet
e) the president should never appeal to public opinion



Pres. Cleveland rejected the effort to annex Hawaii because
A) the U.S. would then have to establish military bases in Hawaii.
B) passage of the McKinley Tariff made Hawaiian sugar unprofitable.
C) he wanted to protect the interests of Louisiana sugar producers.
D) he believed that the native Hawaiians had been wronged and that a majority
opposed annexation to the United States.
E) the United States did not have the naval power to protect the islands against
Japanese or German threats.



Many Americans became concerned about the increasing foreign intervention in China because they
A) wanted exclusive trade rights with the Chinese.
B) feared German military domination of China.
C) believed that such intervention undermined Chinese sovereignty.
D) disliked the racial attitudes displayed by the Europeans.
E) feared that American missions would be jeopardized and Chinese markets closed to



The greatest loss of life for American fighting men durin the Spanish-american War resulted from
a. naval battles in the Caribbean.
b. the war in the Philippines.
c. land battles in the Cuban campaign.
d. sickness in both Cuba and the United States.
e. the bungling of unprofessional military volunteers



In 1899, guerrilla warfare broke out in the Philippines because
a) spanish citizens still living there tried to regain political control of the country
b) the united states refused to give filipino people their independence
c) communist insurgents attempted to seize control of the islands
d) the united states refused to promote the economic and social develpment of the filipino people
e) american missionaries tried to convert Catholic Filipinos to protestantism