Chemistry: chem ch. 1 flash cards Flashcards

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created 2 years ago by bb246
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Chapter 1
chemistry notecards
updated 2 years ago by bb246
Grade levels:
College: Second year
chemistry, science
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In the following list, only __________ is not an example of matter.
A) light
B) elemental phosphorus
C) dust
D) table salt
E) planets

A) light


2) What is the physical state in which matter has no specific shape but does have a specific volume?
A) liquid B) solid C) ice D) gas E) salts

A) liquid


3) A combination of sand, salt, and water is an example of a __________.
A) pure substance
B) homogeneous mixture
C) compound
D) solid
E) heterogeneous mixture

E) heterogeneous mixture


4) Which one of the following has the element name and symbol correctly matched?
A) P, potassium
B) Mg, manganese
C) Sn, silicon
D) Ag, silver
E) C, copper

D) Ag, silver


5) Which one of the following is a pure substance?
A) salt water
B) concrete
C) milk
D) wood
E) elemental copper

E) elemental copper


6) Sn is the symbol for the element __________



7) The symbol for the element magnesium is __________.
A) Rb B) Si C) Mg D) Mn E) Ne

C) Mg


8) If matter is uniform throughout and cannot be separated into other substances by physical means, it is
A) a compound
B) either an element or a compound
C) a homogeneous mixture
D) an element
E) a heterogeneous mixture

B) either an element or a compound


9) Homogeneous mixtures are also known as __________.
A) elements B) solutions C) compounds D) solids E) substances

B) solutions


10) Which of the following is an illustration of the law of constant composition?
A) Water is 11% hydrogen and 89% oxygen by mass.
B) Water and salt have different boiling points.
C) Water is a compound.
D) Water can be separated into other substances by a chemical process.
E) Water boils at 100eC at 1 atm pressure.

A) Water is 11% hydrogen and 89% oxygen by mass.


11) Which one of the following is not a physical property of water?
A) It boils at 100°C at 1 atm pressure.
B) It freezes at 0°C at 1 atm pressure.
C) It reacts rapidly with potassium metal to form potassium hydroxide.
D) It is clear and colorless.
E) Water exists in solid, liquid and gaseous forms.

C) It reacts rapidly with potassium metal to form potassium hydroxide.


12) Of the following, only __________ is a chemical reaction.
A) melting of lead
B) tarnishing of silver
C) crushing of stone
D) dissolving sugar in water
E) dropping a penny into a glass of water

B) tarnishing of silver


3) Which one of the following is an intensive property?
A) mass B) volume C) heat content D) temperature E) amount

D) temperature


4) Of the following, only __________ is an extensive property.
A) density
B) boiling point
C) freezing point
D) mass
E) pressure

D) mass


15) Which of the following are chemical processes?
1. rusting of a nail
2. freezing of water
3. decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen gases
4. compression of oxygen gas
A) 2, 3, 4 B) 1, 2 C) 1, 4 D) 1, 3, 4 E) 1, 3

E) 1, 3


16) Which of the following is a chemical property of sodium chloride?
A) It is a solid at room temperature.
B) It can be decomposed into sodium metal and chlorine gas.
C) It is not significantly compressible.
D) It melts at a high temperature.
E) It dissolves in water.

B) It can be decomposed into sodium metal and chlorine gas.


17) Intensive properties __________ depend on the amount of matter present. Extensive properties __________
depend on the amount of matter present.
A) do, sometimes
B) don't, don't
C) don't, do
D) do, do
E) do, don't

C) don't, do


18) Of the objects below, __________ is the most dense.
A) an object with a volume of 3.91 x 10-24 nm3 and a mass of 7.93 x 10-1 ng
B) an object with a volume of 13 dm3 and a mass of 1.29 x 103 g
C) an object with a volume of 139 mL and a mass of 93 g
D) an object with a volume of 0.00212 m3 and a mass of 4.22 x 104 mg
E) an object with a volume of 2.5 L and a mass of 12.5 kg

A) an object with a volume of 3.91 x 10-24 nm3 and a mass of 7.93 x 10-1 ng


19) The temperature of 25°C is __________ in Kelvins.
A) 166 B) 248 C) 103 D) 138 E) 298

E) 298


20) Express the temperature, 422.35 K, in degrees Celsius and in degrees Fahrenheit.
A) 149.20°C, 300.56°F
B) 50.89°C, 324.04°F
C) 22.78°C, 98.60°F
D) 695.50°C, 354.39°F
E) 792.23°C, 519.08°F

A) 149.20°C, 300.56°F