25 Flashcards

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A nurse teaches a client who has very dry skin. Which statement should the nurse include in this clients


a. Use lots of moisturizer several times a day to minimize dryness.

b. Take a cold shower instead of soaking in the bathtub.

c. Use antimicrobial soap to avoid infection of cracked skin.

d. After you bathe, put lotion on before your skin is totally dry.



A nurse assesses clients on a medical-surgical unit. Which client is at greatest risk for pressure ulcer


a. A 44-year-old prescribed IV antibiotics for pneumonia

b. A 26-year-old who is bedridden with a fractured leg

c. A 65-year-old with hemi-paralysis and incontinence

d. A 78-year-old requiring assistance to ambulate with a walker



When transferring a client into a chair, a nurse notices that the pressure-relieving mattress overlay has deep

imprints of the clients buttocks, heels, and scapulae. Which action should the nurse take next?

a. Turn the mattress overlay to the opposite side.

b. Do nothing because this is an expected occurrence.

c. Apply a different pressure-relieving device.

d. Reinforce the overlay with extra cushions.



A nurse cares for a client who has a deep wound that is being treated with a wet-to-damp dressing. Which

intervention should the nurse include in this clients plan of care?

a. Change the dressing every 6 hours.

b. Assess the wound bed once a day.

c. Change the dressing when it is saturated.

d. Contact the provider when the dressing leaks.



A nurse is caring for a client who has a pressure ulcer on the right ankle. Which action should the nurse take


a. Draw blood for albumin, prealbumin, and total protein.

b. Prepare for and assist with obtaining a wound culture.

c. Place the client in bed and instruct the client to elevate the foot.

d. Assess the right leg for pulses, skin color, and temperature.



After educating a caregiver of a home care client, a nurse assesses the caregivers understanding. Which

statement indicates that the caregiver needs additional education?

a. I can help him shift his position every hour when he sits in the chair.

b. If his tailbone is red and tender in the morning, I will massage it with baby oil.

c. Applying lotion to his arms and legs every evening will decrease dryness.

d. Drinking a nutritional supplement between meals will help maintain his weight.



After teaching a client who is at risk for the formation of pressure ulcers, a nurse assesses the clients

understanding. Which dietary choice by the client indicates a good understanding of the teaching?

a. Low-fat diet with whole grains and cereals and vitamin supplements

b. High-protein diet with vitamins and mineral supplements

c. Vegetarian diet with nutritional supplements and fish oil capsules

d. Low-fat, low-cholesterol, high-fiber, low-carbohydrate diet



A nurse assesses clients on a medical-surgical unit. Which client should the nurse evaluate for a wound


a. Client with blood cultures pending

b. Client who has thin, serous wound drainage

c. Client with a white blood cell count of 23,000/mm3

d. Client whose wound has decreased in size



A nurse who manages client placements prepares to place four clients on a medical-surgical unit. Which client should be placed in isolation awaiting possible diagnosis of infection with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(MRSA)?

a. Client admitted from a nursing home with furuncles and folliculitis

b. Client with a leg cut and other trauma from a motorcycle crash

c. Client with a rash noticed after participating in sporting events

d. Client transferred from intensive care with an elevated white blood cell count



After teaching a client how to care for a furuncle in the axilla, a nurse assesses the clients understanding.

Which statement indicates the client correctly understands the teaching?

a. Ill apply cortisone cream to reduce the inflammation.

b. Ill apply a clean dressing after squeezing out the pus.

c. Ill keep my arm down at my side to prevent spread.

d. Ill cleanse the area prior to applying antibiotic cream.



A nurse assesses an older client who is scratching and rubbing white ridges on the skin between the fingers and on the wrists. Which action should the nurse take?

a. Place the client in a single room.

b. Administer an antihistamine.

c. Assess the clients airway.

d. Apply gloves to minimize friction.



A nurse assesses a client who has a chronic wound. The client states, I do not clean the wound and change

the dressing every day because it costs too much for supplies. How should the nurse respond?

a. You can use tap water instead of sterile saline to clean your wound.

b. If you dont clean the wound properly, you could end up in the hospital.

c. Sterile procedure is necessary to keep this wound from getting infected.

d. Good hand hygiene is the only thing that really matters with wound care.



After teaching a client who has psoriasis, a nurse assesses the clients understanding. Which statement

indicates the client needs additional teaching?

a. At the next family reunion, Im going to ask my relatives if they have psoriasis.

b. I have to make sure I keep my lesions covered, so I do not spread this to others.

c. I expect that these patches will get smaller when I lie out in the sun.

d. I should continue to use the cortisone ointment as the patches shrink and dry out.



A nurse performs a skin screening for a client who has numerous skin lesions. Which lesion does the nurse

evaluate first?

a. Beige freckles on the backs of both hands

b. Irregular blue mole with white specks on the lower leg

c. Large cluster of pustules in the right axilla

d. Thick, reddened papules covered by white scales



A nurse cares for a client who is prescribed vancomycin (Vancocin) 500 mg IV every 6 hours for a

methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection. Which action should the nurse take?

a. Administer it over 30 minutes using an IV pump.

b. Give the client diphenhydramine (Benadryl) before the drug.

c. Assess the IV site at least every 2 hours for thrombophlebitis.

d. Ensure that the client has increased oral intake during therapy.



A nurse assesses a young female client who is prescribed isotretinoin (Accutane). Which question should

the nurse ask prior to starting this therapy?

a. Do you spend a great deal of time in the sun?

b. Have you or any family members ever had skin cancer?

c. Which method of contraception are you using?

d. Do you drink alcoholic beverages?



A nurse cares for clients who have various skin infections. Which infection is paired with the correct

pharmacologic treatment?

a. Viral infection Clindamycin (Cleocin)

b. Bacterial infection Acyclovir (Zovirax)

c. Yeast infection Linezolid (Zyvox)

d. Fungal infection Ketoconazole (Nizoral)



A nurse prepares to discharge a client who has a wound and is prescribed home health care. Which

information should the nurse include in the hand-off report to the home health nurse?

a. Recent wound assessment, including size and appearance

b. Insurance information for billing and coding purposes

c. Complete health history and physical assessment findings

d. Resources available to the client for wound care supplies



A nurse assesses a client who has psoriasis. Which action should the nurse take first?

a. Don gloves and an isolation gown.

b. Shake the clients hand and introduce self.

c. Assess for signs and symptoms of infections.

d. Ask the client if she might be pregnant.



A nurse assesses a wife who is caring for her husband. She has a Braden Scale score of 9. Which question

should the nurse include in this assessment?

a. Do you have a bedpan at home?

b. How are you coping with providing this care?

c. What are you doing to prevent pediculosis?

d. Are you sharing a bed with your husband?



A nurse assesses a client who has a lesion on the skin that is suspicious for skin cancer, as shown below:

Which diagnostic test should the nurse anticipate being ordered for this client?

a. Punch skin biopsy

b. Viral cultures

c. Woods lamp examination

d. Diascopy



A nurse evaluates the following data in a clients chart:




with a


history of

a cerebral



and leftside



White blood

cell count:



15.2 mg/dL


4.2 mg/dL






ulcer 4

cm 2

cm 1.5


Based on this information, which action should the nurse take?

a. Perform a neuromuscular assessment.

b. Request a dietary consult.

c. Initiate Contact Precautions.

d. Assess the clients vital signs.



A nurse evaluates the following data in a clients chart: Admission Note Prescriptions Wound Care 78-yearold male with a past medical history of atrial fibrillation is admitted with a chronic leg wound Warfarin sodium (Coumadin) Sotalol (Betapace) Vacuumassisted wound closure (VAC) treatment to leg wound Based on this information, which action should the nurse take first? a. Assess the clients vital signs and initiate continuous telemetry monitoring. b. Contact the provider and express concerns related to the wound treatment prescribed. c. Consult the wound care nurse to apply the VAC device. d. Obtain a prescription for a low-fat, high-protein diet with vitamin supplements.



A nurse manages wound care for clients on a medical-surgical unit. Which client wounds are paired with the

appropriate treatments? (Select all that apply.)

a. Client with a left heel ulcer with slight necrosis Whirlpool treatments

b. Client with an eschar-covered sacral ulcer Surgical dbridement

c. Client with a sunburn and erythema Soaking in warm water for 20 minutes

d. Client with urticaria Wet-to-dry dressing changes every 6 hours

e. Client with a sacral ulcer with purulent drainage Transparent film dressing




A nurse plans care for a client who is immobile. Which interventions should the nurse include in this clients plan of care to prevent pressure sores? (Select all that apply.)

a. Place a small pillow between bony surfaces.

b. Elevate the head of the bed to 45 degrees.

c. Limit fluids and proteins in the diet.

d. Use a lift sheet to assist with re-positioning.

e. Re-position the client who is in a chair every 2 hours.





A nurse prepares to admit a client who has herpes zoster. Which actions should the nurse take? (Select all

that apply.)

a. Prepare a room for reverse isolation.

b. Assess staff for a history of or vaccination for chickenpox.

c. Check the admission orders for analgesia.

d. Choose a roommate who also is immune suppressed.

e. Ensure that gloves are available in the room.





A nurse cares for older adult clients in a long-term acute care facility. Which interventions should the nurse

implement to prevent skin breakdown in these clients? (Select all that apply.)

a. Use a lift sheet when moving the client in bed.

b. Avoid tape when applying dressings.

c. Avoid whirlpool therapy.

d. Use loose dressing on all wounds.

e. Implement pressure-relieving devices.





A nurse assesses a client who presents with an increase in psoriatic lesions. Which questions should the

nurse ask to identify a possible trigger for worsening of this clients psoriatic lesions? (Select all that apply.)

a. Have you eaten a large amount of chocolate lately?

b. Have you been under a lot of stress lately?

c. Have you recently used a public shower?

d. Have you been out of the country recently?

e. Have you recently had any other health problems?





A nurse delegates care for a client who has open skin lesions. Which statements should the nurse include

when delegating this clients hygiene care to an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? (Select all that apply.)

a. Wash your hands before touching the client.

b. Wear gloves when bathing the client.

c. Assess skin for breakdown during the bath.

d. Apply lotion to lesions while the skin is wet.

e. Use a damp cloth to scrub the lesions.




A nurse cares for a client who reports pain related to eczematous dermatitis. Which nonpharmacologic

comfort measures should the nurse implement? (Select all that apply.)

a. Cool, moist compresses

b. Topical corticosteroids

c. Heating pad

d. Tepid bath with cornstarch