APUSH 30 Flashcards

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The red scare of 1919-1920 was provoked by

a. the wartime migration of rural blacks to northern cities.
b. the strict enforcement of prohibition laws.
c. evolutionary science's challenge to the biblical story of the Creation.
d. the public's association of labor violence with its fear of revolution.
e. the threat created by the Communist Revolution in Russia.



Disillusioned by war and peace, Americans in the 1920s did all of the following except
a. denounce "radical" foreign ideas.
b. condemn "un-American" life-styles.
c. enter a decade of economic difficulties.
d. shun diplomatic commitments to foreign countries.
e. restrict immigration.



Businesspeople used the red scare to
a. establish closed shops throughout the nation.
b. break the backs of fledgling unions.
c. break the railroad strike of 1919.
d. secure passage of laws making unions illegal.
e. refuse to hire Communists.



The most tenacious pursuer of "radical" elements during the red scare was
a. Frederick W. Taylor.
b. William Jennings Bryan.
c. J. Edgar Hoover.
d. F. Scott Fitzgerald.
e. A. Mitchell Palmer.



The post-World War I Ku Klux Klan advocated all of the following except
a. fundamentalist religion.
b. opposition to birth control.
c. opposition to prohibition.
d. repression of pacifists.
e. anti-Catholicism.



The Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s was a reaction against
a. capitalism.
b. new immigration laws passed in 1924.
c. the nativist movements that had their origins in the 1850s.
d. race riots.
e. the forces of diversity and modernity that were transforming American culture.



Immigration restrictions of the 1920s were introduced as a result of
a. increased migration of blacks to the North.
b. the nativist belief that northern Europeans were superior to southern and eastern Europeans.
c. a desire to rid the country of the quota system.
d. the desire to halt immigration from Latin America.
e. growing concern about urban overcrowding and crime.



"Cultural pluralists" like Horace Kallen and Randolph generally advocated that
a. English should be established as the official language of the United States.
b. diverse religious beliefs could coexist peacefully in the United States.
c. immigrants to the United States could remain politically loyal to their original nations.
d. immigrants should be able to retain their traditional cultures rather than blend into a single American "melting pot."
e. a varied American cultural life should resist the bland standardization of mass culture.



The immigration quota system adopted in the 1920s discriminated directly against
a. Asians.
b. northern and western Europeans.
c. Latin Americans.
d. Jews.
e. southern and eastern Europeans.



One of the primary obstacles to working class solidarity and organization in America was
a. ethnic diversity.
b. the lack of a reform impulse in America.
c. the generally fair treatment that workers received from their employers.
d. the hostility of the Catholic Church to social reform.
e. the growing Communist influence in the labor movement.



Enforcement of the Volstead Act met the strongest resistance from
a. women.
b. eastern city dwellers.
c. Westerners.
d. southerners.
e. evangelical Protestants.



The religion of almost all Polish immigrants to America was
a. Eastern Orthodoxy.
b. Lutheranism.
c. evangelical Protestantism.
d. Roman Catholicism.
e. Judaism.



Many Polish peasants learned about America from all of the following sources except
a. agents from U.S. railroads.
b. letters from friends and relatives.
c. agents from steamship lines.
d. Catholic missionaries.
e. Polish American businesspeople.



Most Americans assumed that prohibition
a. would be permanent.
b. would soon be overturned.
c. could never be enforced in the South.
d. would be a total failure.
e. was unworkable in the cities.



The most spectacular example of lawlessness and gangsterism in the 1920s was
a. New York City.
b. New Orleans.
c. Brooklyn.
d. Chicago.
e. Las Vegas.



John Dewey can rightly be called the "father of __________"
a. the research university
b. progressive education
c. evolutionary science
d. modem psychoanalysis
e. Hegelian philosophy



According to John Dewey, a teacher's primary goal is to
a. reduce permissiveness in the classroom.
b. emphasize the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic.
c. educate a student for life.
d. teach the biblical theory of Creation.
e. develop a sense of history.



Of the following, the one least related to the other four is
a. John T. Scopes.
b. Clarence Darrow.
c. Frederick W. Taylor.
d. William Jennings Bryan.
e. Dayton, Tennessee.



The trial of John Scopes in 1925 centered on the issue of
a. progressive education.
b. the right of parochial schools to exist.
c. teachers' membership in the Ku Klux Klan.
d. teaching evolution in public schools.
e. prayer in the public schools.



After the Scopes "Monkey Trial,"
a. fundamentalism disappeared outside the rural South.
b. John Scopes was sentenced to serve time in jail.
c. Christians found it increasingly difficult to reconcile the revelations of religion with modem science.
d. the gap between theology and biology began to close.
e. fundamentalist religion remained a vibrant force in American spiritual life.



All of the following helped to make the prosperity of the 1920s possible except
a. government stimulation of the economy.
b. rapid expansion of capital.
c. increased productivity of workers.
d. perfection of assembly-line production.
e. advertising and credit buying.



The main problem faced by American manufacturers in the 1920s involved
a. increasing the level of production.
b. developing expanded markets of people to buy their products.
c. reducing the level of government involvement in business.
d. developing technologically innovative products.
e. finding a skilled labor force.



Bruce Barton, author of The Man Nobody Knows, expressed great admiration for Jesus Christ because Barton
a. was a deeply religious man.
b. respected Christ's image of self-sacrifice.
c. thought Christ taught the proper use of money.
d. saw Christ as someone who practiced the Golden Rule.
e. believed that Christ was the best advertising man of all time.



The prosperity that developed in the 1920s
a. was accompanied by a cloud of consumer debt.
b. led to a growing level of savings by the American public
c. enabled labor unions to gain strength.
d. was concentrated primarily in heavy industry.
e. closed the gap between rich and poor.



Among the major figures promoted by mass media image makers and the new "sports industry" in the 1920s were
a. John L. Sullivan and William Cody.
b. Henry Ford and Charles Lindbergh
c. Babe Ruth and Jack Dempsey.
d. Al Jolson and Margaret Sanger.
e. Mickey Mantle and Rocky Marciano.



Henry Ford's contribution to the automobile industry was
a. installment credit buying of cars.
b. the internal combustion engine.
c. an enormous variety of automobile models with varied colors and styles.
d. design changes that improved speed.
e. relatively cheap automobiles.



Frederick W. Taylor, a prominent inventor and engineer, was best known for his
a. development of the gasoline engine.
b. thoughts on Darwinian evolution.
c. efforts to clean up polluted cities.
d. promotion of industrial efficiency and scientific management.
e. concern for worker safety.



Which of the following was not among the industries that prospered mightily with widespread use of the automobile?
a. rubber
b. highway construction
c. oil
d. aluminum
e. glass



The automobile revolution resulted in all of the following except
a. the consolidation of schools.
b. the increased dependence of women on men.
c. the spread of suburbs.
d. a loss of population in less attractive states.
e. altered youthful sexual behavior.



Charles Lindbergh's solo flight across the Atlantic made him an American hero especially because
a. his political principles were widely admired.
b. he and his wife Anne Morrow Lindbergh made such an appealing couple.
c. his wholesome youthfulness contrasted with the cynicism and debunking of the jazz age.
d. Americans were impressed by daredevil stunts.
e. Lindbergh's journey opened closer cultural connections to France.



The first Atalkie motion picture was
a. The Great Train Robbery.
b. The Birth of a Nation.
c. The Wizard of Oz.
d. Gone With the Wind.
e. The Jazz Singer.



With the advent of radio and motion pictures,
a. many people believed that popular tastes were elevated.
b. American culture became more parochial.
c. American regional accents disappeared.
d. the emergence of a working-class political coalition was halted.
e. much of the rich diversity of immigrant culture was lost.



Automobiles, radios, and motion pictures
a. were less popular than had been anticipated.
b. contributed to the standardization of American life.
c. had little impact on traditional life-styles and values.
d. were for the most part too expensive for ordinary working families.
e. strengthened American family life.



The 1920 census revealed that for the first time most
a. men worked in manufacturing.
b. adult women were employed outside the home.
c. Americans lived in cities.
d. Americans lived in the trans-Mississippi West.
e. families had fewer than four children.



Margaret Sanger was most noted for her advocacy of
a. abortion rights.
b. women's suffrage.
c. birth control.
d. free love.
e. the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA).



Job opportunities for women in the 1920s
a. expanded dramatically.
b. offered higher-paying positions than before.
c. were plentiful in Hollywood and radio.
d. existed mainly in the area of education.
e. tended to cluster in a few low-paying fields.



To justify their new sexual frankness, many Americans pointed to
a. increased consumption of alcohol.
b. the decline of fundamentalism.
c. the rise of the women's movement.
d. the theories of Sigmund Freud.
e. the influence of erotically explicit movies.



Jazz music was developed by
a. Latinos.
b. Caribbean immigrants.
c. Caucasian impresarios.
d. American teenagers.
e. American blacks.



Marcus Garvey, founder of the United Negro Improvement Association, is known for all of the following except
a. promoting the resettlement of American blacks in Africa.
b. establishing the idea of the talented tenth to lead African Americans.
c. cultivating feelings of self-confidence and self-reliance among blacks.
d. being sent to prison after a conviction for fraud.
e. promoting black-owned businesses.



Match each literary figure below with the correct work.
A. Ernest Hemingway 1. The Sun Also Rises
B. F. Scott Fitzgerald 2. Main Street
C. Sinclair Lewis 3. The Sound and the Fury
D. William Faulkner 4. The Great Gatsby

a. A-3, B-2, C-4, D-1
b. A-1, B-3, C-2, D-4
c. A-2, B-1, C-3, D-4
d. A-1, B-4, C-2, D-3
e. A-4, B-3, C-1, D-2



Buying stock "on margin" meant
a. purchasing only a few shares.
b. purchasing inexpensive stock.
c. purchasing little-known stock.
d. purchasing risky stock.
e. purchasing it with a small down payment.



Which of the following was not among prominent African American cultural figures of the 1920s?
a. Joseph "King" Oliver.
b. Ralph Ellison.
c. "Jelly Roll" Morton.
d. Langston Hughes.
e. W.C. Handy.



As secretary of the treasury, Andrew Mellon placed the tax burden on the
a. middle-income groups.
b. wealthy.
c. lower class.
d. business community.
e. estate taxes.