Week 2 - Chemistry Flashcards

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created 4 years ago by SkyRose
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If you go mini-golfing, in which of these scenarios are you precise but not accurate?

A) You hit all holes in one.

B) You take six strokes at each hole.

C) It always takes you a long time to get your shots in

D) All of your shots are off, but they all go to the same place.

D) All of your shots are off, but they all go to the same place.


Which of the following metric prefixes corresponds to 10³?

A) centi-

B) kilo-

C) mega-

D) micro-

E) milli-

B) kilo-


Which of the following metric prefixes corresponds to 10⁻³?

A) centi-

B) kilo-

C) mega-

D) micro-

E) milli-

E) milli-


Which of the following metric prefixes corresponds to 10⁻⁶?

A) centi-

B) kilo-

C) mega-

D) micro-

E) milli-

D) micro-


Which of the following quantities is equivalent to 3.7 cm?

A) 3.7×10⁻³ m

B) 3.7×10⁻⁵ km

C) 3.7×10⁻² mm

D) 3.7×10⁵ μm

E) 3.7×10² mm

B) 3.7×10⁻⁵ km


Which of the following quantities is equivalent to 594 mg?

A) 0.594 μg

B) 5.94 g

C) 594,000 kg

D) 0.594 g

E) 0.00594 kg

D) 0.594 g


How many milliliters are in a liter?

1000 mL


You were given a dose of 500 mg rather than 500 μg of a drug. How much more of the drug did you receive?

A) 1000 times more

B) 100 times more

C) 1000 times less

D) 100 times less

A) 1000 times more


Which of the following quantities represents the greatest volume?

A) 300 microliters

B) 3.0x10⁶ nanoliters

C) 3.0x10⁴ deciliters

D) 3.0x10⁻¹² kiloliters

E) 3.0 milliliters

C) 3.0x10⁴ deciliters


Which of the following represents the correct conversion factor between grams and pounds?

I) 453.6 pounds per gram

II) 453.6 grams per pound

III)1 gram per 453.6 pounds


A) I



D) I and III



Which of the following lists metric prefixes in order from largest to smallest?

A) kilo-, centi-, deci-, milli

B) kilo-, deci-, centi-, milli-

C) milli-, centi-, deci-, kilo-

D) centi-, kilo-, milli-, deci-

E) deci-, milli-, centi-, kilo-

B) kilo-, deci-, centi-, milli-


Which one of the following is the longest length?

(1 ft = 12 in, 1 in = 2.54 cm)

A) 3.2 m

B) 145 in

C) 16.0 ft

D) 3800 mm

C) 16.0 ft


Density is defined as mass _____________ volume.

A) added to

B) subtracted from

C) multiplied by

D) divided by

D) divided by


You have a 100 gram sample of each of the following metals. Which sample has the largest volume?

A) Aluminum, d = 2.7 g/cm³

B) Gold, d = 19.3 g/cm³

C) Iron, d = 7.86 g/cm³

D) Magnesium, d = 1.74 g/cm³

E) Silver, d = 10.5 g/cm³+

D) Magnesium, d = 1.74 g/cm³


The density of water is approximately 1 g/cm³. Which of these objects will float on water?

A) Cedar wood block, d = 0.380 g/cm³

B) Nylon, d = 1.150 g/cm³

C) Glycerol, d = 1.26 g/cm³

D) Diamond, d = 3.5 g/cm³

A) Cedar wood block, d = 0.380 g/cm³


Three blocks of the same mass are placed in front of you. Block A has a volume of 3.0 cm³, block B of 5.0 cm³ , and block C of 10.0 cm³ . Which has the higher density?

A) Block A

B) Block B

C) Block C

D) All blocks have the same density.

E) There is no way to determine without the volume.

A) Block A


A chemist is trying to identify an unknown metal, and finds that 25.0 cm³ of the substance has a mass of 224.43 g at 20°C. Which of the following metals is it?

A) Aluminum, d = 2.70 g/cm³

B) Iron, d = 7.87 g/cm³

C) Copper, d = 8.98 g/cm³

D) Silver, d = 10.5 g/cm³

E) Gold, d = 19.32 g/cm³

C) Copper, d = 8.98 g/cm³


You have a sample of each of the following five metals, with the mass and density of each sample given. Which sample has the largest volume?

A) Aluminum, mass = 135 g, d = 2.7 g/cm³

B) Copper, mass = 305 g, d = 8.92 g/cm³

C) Iron, mass = 240 g, d = 7.86 g/cm³

D) Magnesium, mass = 75 g, d = 1.74 g/cm³

E) Silver, mass = 420 g, d = 10.5 g/cm³

A) Aluminum, mass = 135 g, d = 2.7 g/cm³


A student is determining the density of an unknown metal with a mass of 32.56 g. The student partially fills a graduated cylinder with water and measures the volume of the water by itself as 14.78 mL. The student then adds the metal to the water and measures the new volume as 20.44 mL. What is the identity of the metal?

A) Aluminum, d = 2.70 g/mL

B) Magnesium, d = 1.74 g/mL

C) Tin, d = 5.75 g/mL

D) Lead, d = 11.3 g/mL

C) Tin, d = 5.75 g/mL


A chemist has a block of aluminum metal (density is 2.7 g/mL). The block weighs 1.5 g. What is the volume, in mL, of the aluminum block?

0.56 mL


Which one of the following would have the largest mass?

A) a cube of tin (d = 5.75 g/cm³) that is 1.80 cm on each side.

B) 30.0 mL of water (d = 1.00 g/mL).

C) a 24.5 g sample of copper (d = 8.98 g/cm³).

D) 4.50 cm³ of silver (d = 10.5 g/cm³).

D) 4.50 cm³ of silver (d = 10.5 g/cm³).

mass= density × V


The answer to the calculation below with the correct number of significant figures is

A) 222.3

B) 222.28

C) 220

D) 222

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C) 220


The answer to the calculation below with the correct number of significant figures is

A) 0.0822

B) 0.082

C) 0.08216

D) 0.08+

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A) 0.0822


The answer to the calculation below with the correct number of significant figures is

A) 21.2

B) 21.20

C) 21

D) 21.201

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C) 21


Which of the following numbers contains five significant figures?

A) 50.260

B) 0.07246

C) 9935.10

D) 1000.01

E) 2.02470

A) 50.260


How many significant figures does the number 0.054901 have?



How many significant figures does the number 1.006 × 10⁷ have?



How many significant figures does the number 67,200 have?



The number 0.0087 has ___ significant figures.



The number 4040 has ___ significant figures.



The number 6.040 has ___ significant figures.



The number 0.00000620 written in scientific notation would be

A) 6.20 × 10⁻⁵

B) 6.20 × 10⁵

C) 6.20 × 10⁻⁶

D) 6.20 × 10⁶

C) 6.20 × 10⁻⁶


The number 0.000741 written in scientific notation would be

A) 7.41 × 10⁴

B) 7.41 × 10⁻⁴

C) 7.41 × 10³

D) 7.41 × 10⁻³

B) 7.41 × 10⁻⁴


The number 3780000 written in scientific notation would be

A) 3.78 × 10⁻⁵

B) 3.78 × 10⁵

C) 3.78 × 10⁻⁶

D) 3.78 × 10⁶

D) 3.78 × 10⁶


The number 98000 written in scientific notation would be

A) 9.8 × 10⁴

B) 9.8 × 10⁻⁴

C) 9.8 × 10³

D) 9.8 × 10⁻⁵

A) 9.8 × 10⁴


Express the number 554,780,000,040 in scientific notation to three significant figures.

A) 5.54 × 10¹¹

B) 5.55 × 10¹²

C) 5.55 × 10¹¹

D) 5.548 × 10¹²

C) 5.55 × 10¹¹


Which of these scenarios contains an exact number?

A) You count 10 people in a room.

B) You weigh an apple to be 10 grams.

C) You measure the tree to be 10 meters high.

D) You determine the volume of the pool to be 10 liters.

A) You count 10 people in a room.


Perform this mathematical operation and express the answer to the correct number of significant figures: 0.085631 × 1.32

A) 0.113

B) 0.1130

C) 1.41

D) 1.406+

A) 0.113


The number 1.44 × 10⁻⁴ when taken out of scientific notation would be

A) 14400

B) 0.0000144

C) 0.00144

D) 0.000144

D) 0.000144


The number 4.29 × 10⁴ when taken out of scientific notation would be

A) 42900

B) 4290

C) 0.000429

D) 429000

A) 42900


How many significant figures would this calculation have if it were completed: (9.04 - 8.23 + 21.954 + 81.0) × 3.1416

A) 3

B) 4

C) 5

D) 6

B) 4


A large stone weighs 53.0kg. How many pounds does it weigh?

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117 lb.


A medical laboratory test is run using a 4.8 µL blood sample. What is this volume in milliliters?

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0.0048 mL.


A popular car has a gas tank that holds a maximum of 14.5 gallons of fuel. What is the size of the tank in liters?

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54.9 L.


An athlete preparing for a marathon runs 21.3 miles. How many kilometers did they run?

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34.3 km


Convert 0.386 g to milligrams. Use only the metric system.

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386 mg.


A cooking recipe lists adding 3.0qt of water as a step. How many mL of water is this?

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2800 mL.


Convert 2.3 hours to seconds

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8280 s


Convert 34.0mm to inches.

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1.34 in.


A patient needs 25.0 μg of Synthroid each day. The pharmacy only has Synthroid that is 0.025 mg per scored tablet. How many tablets should be taken each day by the patient?

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1.00 tablets


An insulin drip is mixed as 500.0 units in 250.0 mL Normal Saline (NS). Calculate the drip rate in mL/h needed to deliver 4.00 units/h?

2.00 mL/h


Tracy is receiving lanoxin every 8.0 hours. She weighs 71 kg. The dose range for this drug is 0.030 to 0.060 mg/kg every day. What is the maximum safe dose (in mg) you could deliver every 8.0 hours?

1.4 mg


How many miles can you drive, if your car gets 25.00 miles per gallon and you have 12.00 gallons of gas?

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300.0 miles


You are working to earn enough money for a vacation which costs 1200.0 dollars. Your take-home pay is $16.50/hour, but you only work 4-hour shifts each day. How many days will it take for you to earn enough money to pay for your vacation if all the money you earn goes towards your vacation?

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18.0 days