marketing management ch 18 Flashcards

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An ________ is a specific communications task and achievement level to be accomplished with a specific audience in a specific period of time.

  1. B) advertising objective

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________ aims to create brand awareness and knowledge of new products or new features of existing products.

Informative advertising

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Which of the following is an example of informational advertising?

Excedrin's ads that claim it stops the toughest headache

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________ aims to create liking, preference, conviction, and purchase of a product or service.

Persuasive advertising

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Comparative advertising works best when ________.

consumers are processing advertising in a detailed, analytical mode

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________ aims to stimulate repeat purchase of products and services.

Reminder advertising

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The "Got Milk" campaign was intended to boost the sagging milk consumption among Californians in the 1990s. The campaign ads highlighted the inconvenience of running out of milk when intended to be used with certain foods, such as cookies or muffins, advising consumers to stock up on milk to avoid such inconveniences. The "Got Milk?" campaign an example of ________.

reminder advertising

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________ aims to convince current purchasers that they made the right choice.

Reinforcement advertising

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9) Which of the following conditions necessitates that the objective of advertising should be to stimulate more usage of a product?

  1. D) the product class is mature

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10) Which of the following statements is true of the factors that affect an advertising budget?

  1. C) New products typically merit large advertising budgets to build awareness and to gain consumer trial.

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11) Marketers often cut the cost of advertising dramatically by using consumers as their creative team. This strategy is known as ________.

  1. E) crowdsourcing

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12) Which of the following is generally acknowledged as the most powerful advertising medium and reaches a broad spectrum of consumers at low cost per exposure?

  1. A) television

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13) TV advertising is considered to be particularly advantageous because ________.

  1. C) it can vividly demonstrate product attributes and persuasively explain their corresponding consumer benefits

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14) According to researchers, which of the following is the correct order in which content of print advertisements matter?

  1. A) picture-headline-copy

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15) Which of the following is the main advantage of radio as an advertising medium?

  1. D) flexibility

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16) ________ refers to simple exaggerations in advertisements that are not meant to be believed and that are permitted by law.

  1. A) Puffery

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17) Which of the following organizations uses top-notch industry talent to produce and distribute public service announcements for nonprofits and government agencies?

  1. C) the Ad Council

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18) ________ is finding the most cost-effective media to deliver the desired number and type of exposures to the target audience.

  1. C) Media selection

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19) The number of different persons or households exposed to a particular media schedule at least once during a specified time period is known as ________.

  1. D) reach

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20) The number of times within a specified time period that an average person or household is exposed to an advertising message is known as ________.

  1. B) frequency

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21) The qualitative value of an exposure through a given medium is known as ________.

  1. D) impact

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22) Which of the following equations accurately describes the total number of exposures (E) of an advertising message through a given medium?

  1. A) E = reach * frequency

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23) The weighted number of exposures (WE) of an advertising message over a given medium is given by ________.

  1. C) WE = reach * frequency * impact

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24) Under which of the following conditions is the reach of media the most important factor in media selection?

  1. C) when launching extensions of well-known brands

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25) Under which of the following conditions is the frequency the most important factor in media selection?

  1. D) when there is high consumer resistance to the product

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26) What is the gross rating points (GRP) for a media schedule that reaches 60 percent of homes with an average exposure frequency of 4 and impact of 1.5?

  1. D) 240

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27) What is the weighted number of exposures of a media schedule that reaches 80 percent of the target audience, with an exposure frequency of 4 and impact value of 2?

  1. C) 640

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  1. 28) Which of the following is an advantage of using newspapers as an advertising medium?
  1. E) good local market coverage

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  1. 29) Which of the following is a disadvantage of using newspapers as an advertising medium?
  1. C) poor reproduction quality

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  1. 30) Which of the following is an advantage of using television as an advertising medium?
  1. A) high attention and reach

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31) Which of the following is a disadvantage of using television as an advertising medium?

  1. A) high absolute cost

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Which of the following is an advantage of using radio as an advertising medium?

  1. E) high geographic selectivity

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  1. 33) Which of the following is a disadvantage of using direct mail as an advertising medium?
  1. D) relatively high cost

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34) Which of the following is an advantage of using magazines as an advertising medium?

  1. A) high-quality reproduction

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  1. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using magazines as an advertising medium?
  1. B) long ad purchase lead time

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Which of the following is a disadvantage of using outdoor media for advertising?

  1. C) limited audience selectivity

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Which of the following is an advantage of using Yellow Pages as an advertising medium?

high believability

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Which of the following is a disadvantage of using Yellow Pages as an advertising medium?

  1. A) high competition

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Which of the following is a disadvantage of using the Internet as an advertising medium?

  1. B) increasing clutter

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Which of the following is a disadvantage of using newsletters as an advertising medium?

  1. B) high chances of runaway costs

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Pepe Homes manufactures a range of bathroom accessories and fittings that include bath-tubs, shower stalls, etc. While deciding on an effective advertising media vehicle for its planned advertising campaign, the marketing department decides that its advertising objectives would be best achieved if they used a medium that would portray their brand as prestigious and a symbol of luxury. To this effect, the medium should offer the marketers a high degree of audience selectivity and high-quality reproduction. Which of the following advertising media would best serve the advertising purposes of Pepe Homes?

  1. C) magazines

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Moonburst is a newly-launched brand of energy drinks, one among many other recently introduced competing brands. The advertising agency handling Moonburst's account decides that to promote Moonburst better, it has to zero in on an advertising medium that would offer immunity from the clutter of other brands, flexibility to alter its advertising message, and fit in with the modest advertising budget. Also, the medium has to provide a high repeat exposure of the advertising message to the target audience. The advertising agency would be happy to trade-off audience selectivity and creative possibilities, if the medium satisfies the above criteria. Which of the following would be the best option for Moonburst?

  1. A) outdoor media

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Which of the following advertising practices involves advertisers paying filmmakers to have their products make cameo appearances in movies and television shows?

  1. D) product placement

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The popular music talent show, American Idol, has been generally acknowledged as the most profitable TV series in U.S. history, in terms of advertising and merchandising revenue. Major sponsors of the show include Coca-Cola, AT&T Wireless, and iTunes, among many others. Cups bearing the logo of Coca-Cola were a prominent prop found on the show's judges' tables. The show also urged viewers to vote for contestants using AT&T sms services. Contestants were routinely shown rehearsing for their performances with the help of Apple iPods. Which of the following advertising practices is apparent in this example?

product placement

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Which of the following media timing factors expresses the rate at which new customers enter the market?

  1. A) buyer turnover

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________ is the number of times the average buyer buys a product during the period.

  1. B) Purchase frequency

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In which of the following types of advertising timing patterns do exposures appear evenly throughout a given period?


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Which of the following types of advertising timing patterns calls for spending all the advertising dollars in a single period?


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Ted is a media buyer with Shelvey Partners, an ad agency in San Francisco. He is currently working on charting a media plan for a departmental store chain's ads that are targeted at the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend. Which of the following advertising timing patterns is best suited for running these ads?

  1. D) concentration

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Advertisements for which of the following products categories would merit a continuous advertising timing pattern the most?

breakfast cereal

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________ is an advertising timing pattern that calls for advertising during a period, followed by a period with no advertising, followed by a second period of advertising activity.


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Flighting as an advertising timing pattern is most useful when ________.

items are seasonal

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Advertisements for which of the following product categories would be most effective when used with a flighting pattern?


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________ is continuous advertising at low-weight levels, reinforced periodically by waves of heavier activity.


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________ seeks to determine whether an ad is communicating effectively.

  1. A) Copy testing

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________ represents the proportion of company advertising of a product to all advertising of that product.

  1. C) Share of voice

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Which of the following elements of the marketing communications mix consists of a collection of incentive tools, mostly short-term, designed to stimulate quicker or greater purchase of particular products or services by consumers or the trade?

sales promotion

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Which of the following is an example of a trade promotion?

display allowances

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Which of the following is an example of a business and sales force promotion?

contests for sales reps

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Sales promotion expenditures increased as a percentage of budget expenditure for a number of years, although its growth has recently slowed. Which of the following is a factor that has contributed to the growth of sales promotion expenditures?

the trade demands more deals from manufacturers

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According to consumer-packaged goods companies, which of the following effects is attributed to the heavy use of sales promotion?

increased price sensitivity

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Which of the following is an example of a manufacturer promotion?

high-value trade-in credit

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Which of the following is a sales promotion tool that is consumer franchise building in nature?

frequency awards

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Which of the following is a sales promotion tool that typically does not build brand image?

consumer refund offers

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Which of the following consumer promotion tools offers a free amount of a product or service delivered door-to-door, sent in the mail, picked up in a store, attached to another product, or featured in an advertising offer?


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________ are certificates that entitle the bearer to a stated saving on the purchase of a specific product.


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________ are consumer promotion tools that provide a price reduction after purchase rather than at the retail shop.


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________ are consumer promotion offers to consumers of savings off the regular price of a product, flagged on the label or package.

Price packs

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Premiums, as a consumer promotion tool, are defined as ________.

merchandise offered at a relatively low cost or free as an incentive to purchase a particular product

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________ is a consumer promotion tool that involves inviting prospective purchasers to try the product without cost in the hope that they will buy

Free trial

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Which of the following consumer promotion tools involves using one brand to advertise another noncompeting brand?


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Which of the following consumer promotion tools refers to explicit or implicit promises by sellers that the product will perform as specified or that the seller will fix it or refund the customer's money during a specified period?

product warranties

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Which of the following terms describes the practice of retailers purchasing a greater quantity during a sales promotion period than they can immediately sell?

forward buying

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Which of the following retailer practices involves buying more units than needed of a product under a sales promotion in a region where the manufacturer offers a promotion deal and shipping the surplus to their stores in nondeal regions?


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A ________ is a salesforce promotion tool that aims at inducing the sales force or dealers to increase their sales results over a stated period, with prizes (money, trips, gifts, or points) going to those who succeed.

sales contest

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________ is the time necessary to prepare a promotional program prior to launching it.

Lead time

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________ begins with the promotional launch and ends when approximately 95 percent of the deal merchandise is in the hands of consumers.

Sell-in time

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Becoming part of a personally relevant moment in consumers' lives through ________ can broaden and deepen a company or brand's relationship with the target market.

events and experiences

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Rolex calls itself the "Official Timekeeper" of the Wimbledon and Australian Open lawn tennis championships, by virtue of its sponsorships of the marquee events. What is the most likely objective for Rolex's sponsorship deal with these events?

to increase salience of company or product name

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Mountain Dew is a brand known for sponsorships of adventure events such as snowboarding and skateboarding competitions. What is the most likely objective of Mountain Dew's sponsorship of these events?

to create perceptions of key brand image associations

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Audi models featured prominently in the 2010 blockbuster Iron Man 2, including main character Tony Stark's personal R8 Spyder. Which of the following is the most rational explanation for Audi's decision to associate itself with the movie?

to create experiences and evoke feelings

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JBJ Sports is a leading sports goods maker from Atlanta. It has recently initiated a program in association with the Children of God Foundation, which bids to raise funds to promote nutritional awareness and education of young children from Bangladesh. The company plans to donate $1 for every item it sells in the North American market. Also, JBJ has roped in professional sports teams associated with it to wear the Children of God logo on their team gear. Which of the following best describes the motivation for JBJ's involvement in the program?

expressing commitment to the community or on social issues

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Which of the following factors forms the basis of assessing sponsorship activities through supply-side methods?

extent of media coverage

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Which of the following parameters forms the basis for measuring sponsorship effectiveness using demand-side methods?

influence on consumers' brand knowledge of the sponsor

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________ is a marketing communications tool that includes a variety of programs to promote or protect a company's image or individual products.

Public relations

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Which of the following functions of public relations departments involves presenting news and information about the organization in the most positive light?

press relations

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Which of the following describes the public relations function of lobbying?

dealing with legislators and government officials to promote or defeat legislation and regulation

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What function does a company's public relations department perform when it promotes understanding of the organization through internal and external communications?

corporate communications

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When a public relations department of a company advises management about public issues, and company positions and image during good times and bad, it is performing the function of ________.


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________ refers to the task of securing editorial space—as opposed to paid space—in print and broadcast media to promote or "hype" a product, service, idea, place, person, or organization.


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Which of the following is a medium of visual identity for a company?

  1. B) dress codes

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The easiest measure of marketing public relations effectiveness is ________.

  1. C) the number of exposures carried by the media

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