marketing management ch 17 Flashcards

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1) ________ refers to the means by which firms attempt to inform, persuade, and remind consumers—directly or indirectly—about the products and brands they sell.

  1. B) Marketing communications

Page Ref: 476


2) Which of the following elements of the marketing communications mix refers to any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor via print, broadcast, network, electronic, and display media?

  1. A) advertising

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3) Which of the following elements of the marketing communications mix involves a variety of short-term incentives to encourage trial or purchase of a product or service?

  1. E) sales promotion

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4) Which of the following is an example of a trade promotion?

  1. C) display allowances

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5) Which of the following is an example of a business and sales force promotion?

  1. C) contests for sales reps

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_______ refer to the marketing communications element that involves company-sponsored activities and programs designed to create daily or special brand-related interactions with consumers.

  1. E) Events and experiences

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7) Which of the following elements of the marketing communications mix includes a variety of programs directed internally to employees of the company or externally to consumers, other firms, the government, and media to promote or protect a company's image or its individual product communications?

  1. B) public relations and publicity

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8) Which of the following elements of the marketing communication mix involves use of mail, telephone, fax, e-mail, or Internet to communicate with or solicit response or dialogue from specific customers and prospects?

  1. C) direct marketing

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9) ________ is an element of the marketing communications mix that involves online activities and programs designed to engage customers or prospects and directly or indirectly raise awareness, improve image, or elicit sales of products and services.

  1. D) Interactive marketing

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10) ________ is an element of the marketing communications mix that involves people-to-people oral, written, or electronic communications that relate to the merits or experiences of purchasing or using products or services.

  1. C) Word-of-mouth marketing

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11) Which of the following elements of the marketing communications mix involves face-to-face interaction with one or more prospective purchasers for the purpose of making presentations, answering questions, and procuring orders?

  1. E) personal selling

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12) Which of the following is an example of an advertising platform?

  1. A) posters and leaflets

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13) Which of the following is an example of an events and experiences platform?

  1. C) factory tours

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14) Which of the following is an example of a public relations and publicity communication platform?

  1. A) lobbying

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15) Which of the following is an example of an interactive marketing communication platform?

  1. D) TV shopping

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16) Which of the following is an example of a word-of-mouth marketing communication platform?

  1. A) chat rooms

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17) Which of the following is an example of a personal selling communication platform?

  1. A) sales presentations

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18) The starting point in planning marketing communications is a ________ that profiles all interactions customers in the target market may have with the company and all its products and services.

  1. B) communications audit

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19) Along which of the following parameters should marketers evaluate communication options when building brand equity?

  1. D) efficiency

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20) Which of the following factors found in the macromodel of the communications process refers to random and competing messages that may interfere with the intended communication?

  1. B) noise

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21) Which of the following represents one of the major tools for effective communication in the macromodel of the communications process?

  1. D) message

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22) Which of the following is the correct order of stages that a buyer is assumed to pass through, by the four classic response hierarchy models?

  1. A) cognitive stage-affective stage-behavioral stage

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23) LCH is a leading electronics company that produces and markets its own brand of desktop and laptop computers, for both individual consumers and businesses. Which of the following sequences of consumer responses is relevant as a marketing communications model for LCH's products?

  1. C) do-feel-learn

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24) All response hierarchy models of the communication process assume the buyer passes through cognitive, affective, and behavioral stages, in that order. Which of the following product categories lends itself most appropriately to such a "learn-feel-do" sequence?

  1. C) real estate

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25) When planning communications for a detergent brand, which of the following sequences of buyer responses should the marketer choose on which to base the communications model?

  1. D) learn-do-feel

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26) Which of the following steps in the innovation-adoption model of marketing communications corresponds to the cognitive stage that a buyer passes through?

  1. D) awareness

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27) According to the hierarchy-of-effects model, which of the following corresponds to the behavioral stage that a buyer passes through?

  1. C) purchase

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28) According to the hierarchy-of-effects model, which of the following corresponds to the affective stage that a buyer passes through?

  1. E) conviction

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29) Which of the following sequences accurately represents the hierarchy-of-effects model of marketing communications?

  1. C) awareness-knowledge-liking-preference-conviction-purchase

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30) Which is the first step to be performed by a marketer in developing effective marketing communications?

  1. A) identifying a target audience

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31) Marketing communication strategy can be decided by conducting an image analysis by profiling the target audience in terms of ________.

  1. A) brand knowledge

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32) Which of the following is the marketing communications objective for a new-to-the-world product, such as electric cars?

  1. E) establishing category need

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33) When Apple introduced the iPod in October, 2001, it was the first-of-its-kind product that offered sizable storage capacity for songs and a portable device that was not seen before in the market. Which of the following is most likely to have been the marketing communications objective for the iPod at the time of its introduction?

  1. D) establishing product category

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34) One of the possible objectives of marketing communications is helping consumers evaluate a brand's perceived ability to meet a currently relevant need. Which of the following is a negatively oriented relevant brand need?

  1. A) normal depletion

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35) One of the possible objectives of marketing communications is helping consumers evaluate a brand's perceived ability to meet a currently relevant need. Which of the following is a positively oriented relevant brand need?

  1. B) social approval

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36) One of the possible objectives of marketing communications is helping consumers evaluate a brand's perceived ability to meet a currently relevant need. Which of the following relevant brand needs is emphasized by an advertisement for dish-washing gloves?

  1. C) problem removal

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37) One of the possible objectives of marketing communications is helping consumers evaluate a brand's perceived ability to meet a currently relevant need. Which of the following relevant brand needs is most likely emphasized by an advertisement for a luxury car?

  1. B) sensory gratification

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Creative strategies refer to _______.

  1. A) the way marketers translate their messages into a specific communication

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A(n) ________ appeal is a creative strategy that elaborates on product or service attributes or benefits.

  1. B) informational

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A(n) ________ appeal is a creative strategy that elaborates on a nonproduct-related benefit or image.

  1. B) transformational

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41) Which of the following ads depict a transformational appeal?

  1. D) Pringles advertised "Once You Pop, the Fun Don't Stop" for years

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42) Which of the following ads depict an informational appeal?

  1. A) Thompson Water Seal can withstand intense rain, snow, and heat

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43) ________ is one of the sources of a spokesperson's credibility that refers to the specialized knowledge that he or she possesses to claim.

  1. B) Expertise

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44) ________ is a source of a spokesperson's credibility that describes how objective and honest the spokesperson is perceived to be.

  1. D) Trustworthiness

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45) Which of the following sources of a spokesperson's credibility describes his or her attractiveness?

  1. C) likability

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46) Which of the following marketing communications principles implies that communicators can use their good image to reduce some negative feelings toward a brand but in the process might lose some esteem with the audience?

  1. D) principle of congruity

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Which of the following is an example of a personal communications channel?

  1. C) interactive marketing

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48) Which of the following personal communication channels consist of company salespeople contacting buyers in the target market?

advocate channels

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) Which of the following personal communications channels consist of family members, neighbors, friends, and associates talking to target buyers?

  1. C) social channels

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50) Top Gear is an award-winning British television series about motor vehicles, mainly cars. It is presented by a set of hosts who test drive new cars and provide reviews on the cars' performance, their prices, and other factors. Which of the following personal communications channels is Top Gear closest to in description?

  1. A) expert channel

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Which of the following is a form of earned media for marketing communication messages?

social network discussions about products

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Personal influence in marketing communications carries great weight when ________.

  1. C) the product suggests something about the user's status or taste

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Which of the following is a form of mass communications channel?

public relations

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54) Which of the following statements is true of the two-step approach to mass communications?

  1. D) According to the two-step flow, people interact primarily within their own social groups and acquire ideas from opinion leaders in their groups.

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55) Which of the following is a characteristic of the affordable method of establishing a marketing communications budget?

  1. D) calculated to reflect what the company can spare for marketing communications

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Kelly is the chief marketing officer of Boyd Pharmaceuticals. She is meeting with Trent, the chief financial officer to decide on the company's marketing communications budget. After extensive discussions, they decide that the size of the budget will be calculated as a fraction of the overall turnover. What method did Kelly and Trent use to arrive at the marketing communications budget?

percentage-of-sales method


Which of the following is an advantage of using the percentage-of-sales method to determine the marketing communications budget?

The percentage-of-sales method encourages stability when competing firms spend approximately the same portion of their sales on communications.

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Which of the following is a disadvantage of using a percentage-of-sales method to determine the marketing communications budget?

Dependence of the percentage-of-sales method on year-to-year sales fluctuations interferes with long-range planning.

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Kelly is the chief marketing officer of Boyd Pharmaceuticals. She is meeting with Trent, the chief financial officer to decide on the company's marketing communications budget. They pore over the sales reports and other financial records and determine the amount of resources they can spare for marketing communications, after resources have been allocated to other functions, such as R&D, logistics, etc. What method did Kelly and Trent use to arrive at the marketing communications budget?

affordable method

Page Ref: 489


Kelly is the chief marketing officer of Boyd Pharmaceuticals. She is meeting with Trent, the chief financial officer to decide on the company's marketing communications budget. They decide to trust in the prevailing collective wisdom of the industry as a whole, and not wanting to instigate a communications war, settle on spending only as much as their nearest market rival does on marketing communications. What method did Kelly and Trent use to arrive at the marketing communications budget?

competitive-parity method

Page Ref: 489


Marketing communications budgets tend to be higher when ________.

there are differentiated products and nonhomogeneous customer needs

Page Ref: 490


Which of the following benefits is offered by sales promotion tools?

Sales promotion tools incorporate some concession, inducement, or contribution that gives value to the consumer.

Page Ref: 491


Which of the following statements correctly reflects a characteristic of public relations as a marketing communications tool?

Public relations can reach prospects who prefer to avoid mass media and targeted promotions.

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Janet is a marketing manager with a Injoos, a company that manufactures packaged fruit juices. Knowing that there exist several other companies in the market that offer similar products, Janet decides to build a customer base from among those who prefer to avoid mass media and other targeted promotions. Which of the following marketing communications tools would be her best option to build a favorable impression among the prospective customers?

public relations

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Which of the following marketing communications tools is most effective at the later stages of the buying process?

personal selling

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Which of the following statements is true of the role of advertising in business markets?

Sales representatives can use copies of the company's ads to legitimize their company and products.

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Which of the following circumstances are best suited for the use of personal selling?

when the market has fewer and larger sellers

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Which of the following marketing communications tools is most effective at influencing customers at the conviction stage of buyer readiness?

personal selling

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Advertising and publicity tools play the most important roles in influencing buying decisions at the ________ stage of buyer readiness.


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Which of the following tools or combinations of tools is most influential at the comprehension stage of buyer readiness?

advertising and personal selling

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Which of the following marketing communications tools has the highest cost-effectiveness in the introduction stage of the product life cycle?

events and experiences

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Which of the following marketing communications tools is most influential at the maturity stage of a product's life cycle?


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Luke is considering the various options available to him to promote an energy-drink, Turbozade, that is seeing decreasing sales volumes after having peaked some time back. Which of the following marketing communications tools should Luke focus marketing efforts on to keep the sales volume up?

sales promotions

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Which of the following marketing communications tools is most influential at the reordering stage of buyer readiness?

sales promotion

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________ is a measure of communications effectiveness that describes the percentage of target market exposed to a communication.


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________ refers to a planning process designed to assure that all brand contacts received by a customer or prospect for a product, service, or organization are relevant to that person and consistent over time.

Integrated marketing communications

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