Respiratory Care: Principles and Practice Flashcards

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Dean R. Hess, Neil R. MacIntyre, Shelley C. Mishoe, William F. Galvin - 2011 - 1397 pages

ISBN: 144966606X, 9781449666064

A new edition of the classic text, Respiratory Care: Principles and Practice, Second Edition is a truly authoritative text for respiratory care students who desire a complete and up to date exploration of the technical and professional aspects of respiratory care. With foundations in evidence-based ...practice, this essential text reviews respiratory assessment, respiratory therapeutics, respiratory diseases, basic sciences and their application to respiratory care, the respiratory care profession, and much more. Important Notice: The digital edition of this book is missing some of the images or content found in the physical edition.

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Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers


medical, allied health services, respiratory therapy

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