Organizational Behaviour: Understanding and Managing Life at Work Flashcards

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Gary Johns, Alan M. Saks - 2013 - 686 pages

ISBN: 0133347508, 9780133347500

Note: If you are purchasing an electronic version, MyManagementLab does not come automatically packaged with it. To purchase MyManagementLab, please visit or you can purchase a package of the physical text and MyManagementLab by searching for ISBN 10: 0133347508 / ISBN 13: 97...80133347500. Real-world cases and thoughtful discussion questions are a hallmark of this authoritative text. Organizational Behaviour, Ninth Edition, is comprehensive--the material is up to date and reflects current research and practical concerns. The text takes a rigorous approach to OB, while maintaining its readability and engaging writing style.

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Publisher: Pearson Education Canada

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