front 1 DNA Bases Polymer of Nucleotides | back 1 A- adenine G-guanine T- thymine C- cytosine |
front 2 RNA polymerase | back 2 enzyme that produces primary transcript RNA. In cells, RNAP is necessary for constructing RNA chains using DNA genes as templates, a process called transcription. |
front 3 RNA | back 3 Ribonucleic acid o |
front 4 DNA | back 4 deoxyribose nucleic acid |
front 5 three major classes of cellular RNAs | back 5 (i) ribosomal RNA (rRNA), (ii) messenger RNA (mRNA) (iii) transfer RNA (tRNA). |
front 6 transcription | back 6 these three types of molecules originate as complementary copies of one of the two strands of a DNA segment that constitutes a gene |
front 7 Ribosomal RNA (rRNA) | back 7 structural component of ribosomes, the sites where translation occurs during protein synthesis (machinery of protein synthesis) |
front 8 Messenger RNA (mRNA) | back 8 responsible to carry the genetic message from DNA to the ribosome. Their length and sequence vary depending upon the gene which is being transcribed into m RNA |
front 9 Transfer RNA (tRNA) | back 9 the smallest of the three types. It carries amino acids to the ribosomes (protein) during translation. |
front 10 RNA Bases | back 10 A- G - C- U - uracil |
front 11 Pair DNA with RNA A G T C | back 11 ![]() RNA U C A G |
front 12 Where does replication occur in DNA | back 12 at the replication fork |
front 13 how many replication forks are in bacteria | back 13 two replication forks in bacteria |
front 14 in which directions do the replication forks move in bacteria | back 14 opposite directions |
front 15 what are the two replication forks called in bacteria | back 15 bi-directional |
front 16 what direction does synthesis occur in DNA | back 16 5'- 3' |
front 17 What is the 5'- 3' strand called | back 17 leading strand |
front 18 what is the non synthesizing strand called | back 18 lagging strand 3'- 5' |
front 19 what are the short pieces on the lagging strand called | back 19 okazaki fragments |
front 20 what does RNA require to begin each fragment | back 20 primers |
front 21 what closes the gaps in the strands | back 21 DNA ligase |
front 22 genetics | back 22 study of genes |
front 23 gene | back 23 segment of DNA that encodes a functional product usuall a protein |
front 24 The three essential macromolecules of life are | back 24 DNA RNA Protein |
front 25 Phenotype | back 25 expression of gene (protein that can be seen) |
front 26 Semiconservative replication | back 26 describes the mechanism by which DNA is replicated 1 strand of old and one strand of new DNA |
front 27 DNA to RNA is called what.... RNA to Protein is called | back 27 transcription translation |
front 28 all RNA is transcribed from DNA by | back 28 RNA polymerase |
front 29 DNA is | back 29 double helix (double strand) |
front 30 RNA is | back 30 mono strand |
front 31 codon | back 31 a sequence of three nucleotides that together form a unit of genetic code in a DNA or RNA molecule |
front 32 what forms codons | back 32 triplets of bases in mRNA |
front 33 what does each triplet correspond to | back 33 a specific amino acid |
front 34 what determines which amino acid goes with which codon | back 34 genetic code |
front 35 how many codons for amino acid | back 35 61 |
front 36 how many stop codons | back 36 3 |
front 37 what is the sequence based on the genetic code chart from left, top, to right side (top to bottom) | back 37 ![]() UCAG left (top to bottom), UCAG top (left to right), UCAG, UCAG, UCAG (right top to bottom 4x's) 4 columns |
front 38 how many bases are genetic in genetic code | back 38 3 bases |
front 39 is there a concern if there is a mutation in the 3rd base | back 39 no, only time there is a concern is if there is mutation in base 1 or 2 |
front 40 what is RNA start codon | back 40 A U G |
front 41 what are the most common stop codons | back 41 UAA, UAG, UGA |
front 42 what marcomolecule do disenfectants normally effect in bacteria | back 42 disenfectants normally effect PROTEINS in bacteria which prevents metabolism |
front 43 how many stages are there in translation | back 43 there are 3 stages in translation
front 44 what do these three translation stages require to be functional | back 44 enzymes and proteins |
front 45 what are the 3 steps in elongation translation | back 45
front 46 where does mutation occur | back 46 mutation occurs in DNA |
front 47 what is mutation | back 47 a change in genetic material (beneficial, netural, harmful) ex. beneficial mutation- evolution harmful mutation- cancer netural mutation- no effect |
front 48 what causes mutation | back 48 mutagen |
front 49 what is a mutagen | back 49 a gene that causes a mutation |
front 50 nonsense mutation | back 50 a sequence of DNA that results in a premature stop codon, or a nonsense codon in the transcribed mRNA |
front 51 frameshift mutation | back 51 insertion or deletion of one or more nucleotide pairs *shorten or extend frame of DNA, RNA |
front 52 ionizing radiation | back 52 x-rays and gamma rays that cause the formation of ions that can react with nucleotides and DNA phosphate backbone |
front 53 what does UV radiation cause | back 53 thymine dimers |
front 54 thymine dimers (t-dimers) | back 54 A pair of abnormally chemically bonded adjacent thymine bases in DNA, resulting from damage by ultra-violet irradiation. The cellular processes that repair this lesion often make errors that create mutations. (cancer) |
front 55 transformation | back 55 naked dna from environment transfers to another bacteria |
front 56 conjugation | back 56 transfer of genetic material (plasmid) between bacterial cells by direct cell-to-cell contact or by a bridge-like connection between two cells...... through pilli (gram negative) |
front 57 -phage | back 57 virus |
front 58 Transposons | back 58 jumping gene |
front 59 transduction | back 59 the process by which DNA is transferred from one bacterium to another by a virus |
front 60 sterilization | back 60 completely destroys all forms of microbial life |
front 61 disinfection | back 61
front 62 antisepsis | back 62 the chemical disinfection of living tissue, such as skin or mucous membrane
front 63 degerming | back 63 physical removal(mechanical cleansing) of microbes via alcohol, swab, soap ex. cleaning the skin with alcohol prior to injection |
front 64 asepsis | back 64 the absence of significant contamination |
front 65 bactericidal (-cidal, to kill) | back 65 kill ALL bacterial |
front 66 bacteriostatic (-static, to stop) | back 66 halt (inhibit) the growth of bacteria for as long as the inhibitory substance is present, NO DUPLICATION ex. freezing food method once inhibitor is removed, growth begins ex. removing food from freezer |
front 67 Thermal Death Time (TDT) | back 67 the TIME at a given temperature in which all the micoorganisms in a liquid culture will be killed
front 68 Thermal Death Point (TDP) | back 68 the lowest temperature at which all microorganisms in a liquid suspension are killed in 10 mins
front 69 Pasteuriztion | back 69 heat (below boiling) for short period of time to kill pathogens and reduce bacteria count, does not kill all bacteria- some useless ones survive |
front 70 flash pasteurization | back 70 high heat at a short period of time |
front 71 tyndallization | back 71 method used to destroy spores consists of heating the substance to boiling point and holding it there for 15 minutes, three days in succession. After each heating, the resting period will allow spores that have survived to germinate into bacterial cells; these cells will be killed by the next day's heating. During the resting periods the substance being sterilized is kept in a moist environment at a warm room temperature, conducive to germination of the spores (favorable environment for bacteria). When the environment is favourable for bacteria, it is conducive to the germination of cells from spores, and spores do not form from cells in this environment |
front 72 autoclave | back 72 a pressure chamber used to sterilize equipment and supplies by subjecting them to high pressure saturated steam at 121 °C (249°F) for around 15–20 minutes KILLS SPORES |
front 73 non ionizing radiation | back 73 NO PENETRATION (ex. sound waves, visiable light) |
front 74 ionizing radiation | back 74 PENETRATION (ex. gamma rays, Xrays, electron beams) |
front 75 filtration | back 75 the passage of a liquid or gas (air) through a filter with pores small enough to remain microbes pore size .45 or .2 micron used with heat liable samples |
front 76 photophosphorylation | back 76 light reactions |
front 77 2 kinds of photophosphorylation | back 77 cyclic (mostly found in bacteria, used by cyanobacteria) non-cycllic (found in green plants and cyanobacteria) |
front 78 dark reaction | back 78 the cycle of reactions (the Calvin cycle) that occurs in the second phase of photosynthesis and does not require the presence of light It involves the fixation of carbon dioxide |
front 79 oxygenic photosynthesis | back 79 produces oxygen carbon dioxide + water + light energy → carbohydrate + oxygen. |
front 80 Anoxygenic photosynthesis | back 80 process where light energy is captured and converted to ATP, without the production of oxygen water is not the electorn donor |
front 81 photosynthesis | back 81 light energy transformed into chemical energy 2 parts.....
front 82 minimum temperature | back 82 lowest temperature where growth can occur |
front 83 optimum temperature | back 83 temperature where species grows the best |
front 84 maximum temperature | back 84 highest temperature where growth can occur |
front 85 what are the PHYSICAL growth requirements for microbacterial growth | back 85 ph, osmotic pressure, food |
front 86 psychrophiles | back 86 cold-loving, grow at 0 to 20 degrees celsius,
front 87 mesophiles | back 87 middle temperature loving, human body temp, 20 degrees to 45 degrees celsius,
front 88 thermophiles | back 88 heat loving, grow at 37 to 65 degrees celsius |
front 89 psychrotrophs | back 89 A psychrotroph can survive at a similar, but larger range than a psychrophile. It can survive from 0 - 35 degrees celsius but (optimally at 20 - 30 degrees celsius) These organisms can be found in refrigerated spoiled food. |
front 90 what is the optimum ph for bacteria to grow | back 90 6.5- 7.5 |
front 91 what pH is favorable for molds and yeasts | back 91 5 & 6 |
front 92 acidophiles | back 92
front 93 basophiles | back 93 basic loving grown in intestines optimum pH 8.5 |
front 94 hoe can organisms change the culture media | back 94 due to their own waste products may be toxic due to pH change |
front 95 pH change is due to | back 95 bacterial metabolism |
front 96 what percentage of cells are water | back 96 80-90% |
front 97 hypotonic | back 97 water will move INTO cell (can cause cell to BURST) |
front 98 hypertonic | back 98 water will move OUT of the cell (can cause cell to SHRINK) |
front 99 halophiles | back 99 salt loving |
front 100 facultative halophiles | back 100 organism that can grow at high salt concentrations but DO NOT require high salt concentrartons |
front 101 obligate halophile | back 101 REQUIRES high salt concentration for growth |
front 102 macro-nutrients | back 102 carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus |
front 103 trace elements | back 103 inorganic elements required in small amounts (usually enzyme co-factors) |
front 104 oxygen effects | back 104 organisms produce more energy when growing in oxygen but toxic byproducts can be fatal to cells |
front 105 example of oxygen byproducts | back 105 superoxide radical (superoxide dismutase) hydrogen peroxide (catalase, peroxidase) |
front 106 what do AEROBES require for growth | back 106 oxygen |
front 107 facultative ANArobes | back 107 grow with or without oxygen |
front 108 ANArobes | back 108 can NOT survive in oxygen environments |
front 109 microAEROphiles | back 109 require SMALL (micro) or low amounts of oxygen |
front 110 what enzyme do AERObes require | back 110
front 111 obligate AERobes | back 111 REQUIRE oxygen |
front 112 facultative ANAerobes | back 112 can grow with or without oxygen |
front 113 obligate ANAerobes | back 113 can NOT live with oxygen |
front 114 AEROtolerant | back 114 tolerate oxygen |
front 115 synthetic or defined medium | back 115 medium made of KNOWN amounts of chemicals |
front 116 complex medium | back 116 some ingredients are of unknown composition or amounts (extracts of plants, yeast, or meat) ex. nutrient broth tryptic soy broth |
front 117 selective medium | back 117 encourages the growth of certain organisms while discouraging the growth of others
front 118 differential medium | back 118 distinguishes between different groups of bacteria. medium contains constituents which cause an OBSERVABLE change (color or pH change)
front 119 generation time | back 119 the time required for cells to divide (and double the population) can be a short as 20 mins or longer than a day |
front 120 2 bacteria to one culture equals how many generations at 64 | back 120 5 generations |
front 121 what phase does bacterial begin to adjust to environment | back 121 lag phase |
front 122 based on the chart, what phase should antibiotics be added | back 122 log phase |
front 123 what phase of microbial growth is the gram stain performed | back 123 log phase |
front 124 direct methods of measuring bacterial growth | back 124
front 125 turbidity (indirect method) | back 125 cloudy (turbid) broth indicates greater bacterial population; estimate number of bacteria by analyzing turbidity with spectrophotometer (measures the amount of light passing through a culture); transmission of light is inversely proportional to population size of bacteria does not distinguish between living and dead cells |
front 126 Metabolic Activity (indirect method) | back 126 estimates number of cells in a culture by measuring changes in metabolic processes (e.g., nutrient utilization, waste production, pH) ......ADD GLUCOSE |
front 127 Dry Weight (Biomass) | back 127 involves filtering mo's from culture medium, drying and then weighing; suitable for broth cultures, useful when there is an abundance of mo's; growth cannot be followed over time b/c mo's are killed in the process |
front 128 What are the sources of antibiotics | back 128 more than half from Streptomyces and Bacillus and molds (fungi) |
front 129 What does the term broad-spectrum antibiotic refer to | back 129 an antibiotic that acts against a wide range of disease-causing bacteria. A broad-spectrum antibiotic acts against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.
front 130 What does the term narrow-spectrum antibiotic refer to | back 130 an antibiotic effective against specific families of bacteria. (small range of pathogens they are effective against) |
front 131 Give an example of a narrow-spectrum antibiotic | back 131 penicillin (affects Gram positive bacteria) |
front 132 Is there any danger in using broad-spectrum antibiotics | back 132 Yes, broad-spectrum antibiotics can destroy the normal microbial flora. |
front 133 Define selectively toxic | back 133 highly effective against the microbe but have minimal or no toxicity to humans (host). |
front 134 Discoverer of penicillin | back 134 Alexander Fleming 1928 |
front 135 Who performed the first clinical trial of penicillin (when was penicillin first used) | back 135 Howard Florey and Ernst Chain 1940 |
front 136 What fungus does penicillin originate from | back 136 Penicillum |
front 137 What is spectrum of activity in antibiotics | back 137 mode of action and which pathogen it is effective against |
front 138 What can happen as a result of the normal microbial flora being destroyed | back 138 destruction of normal microbial flora can lead to a superinfection in which a survivng organism overgrows |
front 139 What is a superinfection | back 139 A superinfection is generally defined as a second infection superimposed on an earlier one, especially by a different microbial agent of exogenous or endogenous origin, that is resistant to the treatment used against the first infection. An example of this in bacteriology is the overgrowth of endogenous Clostridium difficile which occurs following treatment with a broad-spectrum antibiotic. |
front 140 What are some examples of a superinfection from antibiotic use | back 140
front 141 What is the criteria for ideal antibiotics | back 141
front 142 Describe: Inhibition of cell wall synthesis | back 142 Peptidoglycan is found only in bacterial cell walls (animals do not
have PGC/cell walls). |
front 143 penicillins common core is called | back 143 b-lactum ring |
front 144 penicillinases | back 144 enzymes produced by some bacteria that provide resistance to β-lactam antibiotics like penicillins |
front 145 what interferes with cross-linking | back 145 penicillin and cephalosporin |
front 146 what prevents stand synthesis | back 146 vancomyicin |
front 147 is penicilinase resistant to penicillin | back 147 yes penicilinase is resistant to penicillin |
front 148 What is synergism | back 148 occurs when the effect of two drugs together is greater than the effect of either alone |
front 149 What is antagonism | back 149 occurs when the effect of two drugs together is less than the effect of either alone ex. penicillin does not worl well with tetracycline because cells are not growing |
front 150 Misuse of antibiotics include | back 150
front 151 Antibiotic resistance | back 151 occurs when bacteria change in some way that reduces or eliminates the effectiveness of drugs, chemicals, or other agents designed to cure or prevent infections. The bacteria survive and continue to multiply causing more harm |
front 152 Compare the terms bacteriocidal and bacteriostatic | back 152 Bactericidal: kills the bacteria. |
front 153 what percentage of Americans get a viral disease each year | back 153 90% |
front 154 are anti-virals limited in the groups they are effective against | back 154 yes |
front 155 nucleoside analogs | back 155 synthetic nucleosides which interfere with DNA and RNA synthesis |
front 156 Enzyme inhibitors | back 156 inactivate reverse transcriptase |
front 157 what is transcriptase needed for | back 157 to make DNA from RNA viral genome |
front 158 what are the tests used to guide chemotherapy | back 158 Kirby-Bauer Broth dillution |
front 159 Vancomycin (last resort) | back 159 is an antibiotic useful for the treatment of a number of bacterial infections. effective mostly against gram-positive (cell wall) bacteria |
front 160 Kirby-Bauer antibiotic testing | back 160 test which uses antibiotic-impregnated wafers to test whether bacteria are affected by antibiotics. In this test, wafers containing antibiotics are placed on an agar plate where bacteria have been placed, and the plate is left to incubate. If an antibiotic stops the bacteria from growing or kills the bacteria, there will be an area around the wafer where the bacteria have not grown enough to be visible. This is called a zone of inhibition. |
front 161 minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) | back 161 the lowest concentration of an antimicrobial that will inhibit the visible g rowth of a microorganism after overnight incubation. |
front 162 minimal bactericidal concentration | back 162 the lowest concentration of an antibacterial agent required to kill a particular bacterium. |
front 163 how can minimal bactericidal concentration be determined | back 163 from both dilution |
front 164 the major modes of antimicrobial drugs | back 164
front 165 chloramphenicol | back 165
front 166 macrolides | back 166 contain macrocyclic lactone ring ex. erythromycin (not able to penetrate most Gram negative cell walls |
front 167 what is alternative to penicillin | back 167 erythromycin (macrolides) |
front 168 side effects of streptomycin (bactericidal) | back 168
front 169 tetracyclines (broad spectrum) is produced by (protein synthesis) | back 169 streptomyces |
front 170 disadvantages and side effects of tetracyclines (protein synthesis) | back 170 supress normal flora (causing superinfection) not advised to: children-brownish teeth pregnant women-liver damage |
front 171 sulfonamides | back 171 stop folic acid synthesis (broad spectrum) |
front 172 ciprofloxacin | back 172 stops DNA gyrase (urinary tract infections) |
front 173 polymyxin B | back 173 topical combined with bacitracin and neomycin in O-T-C preparation |
front 174 why are quinolones and fluoroquinolones not given to children | back 174 they stop cartilage development |
front 175 Describe: Injury to plasma membrane | back 175 Antibacterial & anti-fungal drugs. |