front 1 How is the Do-To-Selected function useful? What keyboard modifier set is used to access Do-To-Selected functionality? | back 1 When you only want to apply a change to selected tracks Alt + Shift |
front 2 Describe the process of creating a drum submix. What kind of track is traditionally used as a submix destination? | back 2 1.Create an Aux Input for the submix destination 2.Route source tracks’ outputs to an internal mix bus 3.Route the internal mix bus to the Input of the Aux Input track 4.Solo-safe the Aux Input Aux Input |
front 3 What is the difference between a Basic Folder track and a Routing folding track? Which is useful for submixing. | back 3 Basic is only a holding container for tracks. Routing has the ability to control volume, pan, etc. Routing is good for submixing |
front 4 What process can you use to route the outputs of a set of tracks to a destination track? | back 4 Select the tracks, use the do to selected command in order to pick Track or New track. |
front 5 What is the purpose of grouping tracks? How many track groups can you create in a session? | back 5 Ways to organize and control a set of tracks 104 |
front 6 What are some of the parameters that are affected by Edit groups? What are some of the parameters that can be included in a Mix group? | back 6 Edit Group Parameters
front 7 What is the keyboard shortcut to create a Mix or Edit group from selected tracks? | back 7 CMD =G |
front 8 How can you enable or disable a single group? How can you globally suspend all groups? How can you visually tell when groups have been suspended? | back 8
front 9 How can you identify group membership of tracks in the Mix window? | back 9
front 10 How can you quickly select all members of a group? How might this be useful? | back 10 Click on the circle to the left of the group name For Send routing |
front 11 What are some options for modifying or deleting a group? | back 11
front 12 What is the purpose of the All group? Can you modify track membership or delete this group? | back 12
front 13 When is it necessary to apply Dither? Where should you insert a dither plug-in? | back 13 When you are going from 24 or 32 bit to a 16 bit On Master Fader |
front 14 What is noise shaping used for in a dither plug-in? How is noise shaping used by the POW-r dither plug-in? | back 14 To improve signal to noise Reduces perceptible noise by moving it to a less audible range |
front 15 What are the steps involved in creating a session archive? Why is it important to use the Save Copy In command before compacting sound files? | back 15