Microbiology: Exam 1 Flashcards

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created 13 years ago by jmata12
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Chapters 1, 3, 4
Chapters: 1,3,4
updated 13 years ago by jmata12
microbiology, science, life sciences, biology
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A multicellular organism that has chitin cell walls & absorbs organic material is a(n)

a. alga
b. bacterium
c. fungus
d. virus
e. helminth

c. Fungus


In the name Escherichia coli(in italics), coli (italics) is the

a. Specific epithet
b. Domain
c. Kingdom
d. Discoverer
e. Genus

a. Specific epithet


Which of the following is NOT a domain in the three-domain system?

a. Archaea
b. Bacteria
c. Eukarya
d. Animalia

d. Animalia


Who proved that microorganisms cause disease?

a. Fleming
b. Semmelweis
c. Van Leeuwenhoek
d. Koch
e. Pasteur

d. Koch


Which of the following is the best definition of biotechnology?

a. The curing of diseases
b. The use of microorganisms in sewage treatment
c. The use of living organisms to make desired products.
d. The development of recombinant DNA technology
e. Bacterial production of foods

c. The use of living organisms to make desired products


You are observing a cell through a microscope & note that it has no apparent nucleus you conclude that it most likely

a. Has a cellulose cell wall.
b. Is part of a multicellular animal.
c. Has a peptidoglycan cell wall
d. Moves by pseudopods.
e. Is a plant cell.

c. Has a peptidoglycan cell wall


Which of the following groups include members that lack DNA?

a. Bacteria
b. Fungi
c. Helminths
d. Viruses
e. Protoza

d. Viruses


Bacteria differ from viruses in that bacteria

a. Have DNA & RNA
b. Can live without a host
c. Are composed of cells
d. All of the above

d. All of the above


In figue 3.1, line "a" points to the microscope's

card image

c. Ocular lens (what you look into)

* See line 'a' this image only has one lens, your test image will show a micrscope w/2 lenses. *


In figure 3.1, line "c." points to the microscope's

card image

c. Condenser

*see image to locate the condenser.


Which of the following is NOT equal to 1m?

a. 10dm
b. 0.001km
c. 1,000,000,um (um is the same as micrometers or microns)
d. 100mm
e. 1,000,000,000nm

d. 100mm


Place the steps of the Gram stain in the correct order:
1-Alcohol-acetone; 2-Crystal violet; 3-Safranin; 4-Iodine



Which of the follwing pairs is mismatched for Gram Stain?

a. Crystal violet-primary stain
b. Safranin-acid dye
c. Gram's Iodine-mordant
d. Ethyl Alcohol-decolorizer

b. Safranin-acid dye


The purpose of a mordant in the gram stain is

a. To make the bacterial cells larger.
b. To remove the simple stain.
c. To make gram-negative cells visible.
d. To make the flagella visible.
e. To increase the cells' affinty for a stain & to kill the bacteria.

e. To increase the cells' affinty for a stain & to kill the bacteria.


Place the following steps in the correct sequence:
1-staining; 2-making a smear; 3-fixing.



Simple staining is often necessary to improve contrast in this microscope.

a. Electron microscope
b. Compound light microscope
c. Fluorescence microscope
d. Phase-constr

b. Compound Light


Which microscope achieves the highest magnification & greatest resolution?

a. Compound light microscope
b. Phase-contrast microscope
c. Darkfield microscope
d. Fluorescence microscope
e. Electron microscope

e. Electron microscope


The appearance of gram-negative bacteria after addition of the mordant in the Gram stain.

a. Purple
b. Red
c. Colorless
d. Brown

a. Purple


The appearance of gram-positive bacteria after adding the counterstain in the gram stain.

a. Purple
b. Red
c. Colorless
d. Brown

a. Purple


What is the total magnification of a bacteria viewed w/a 10x ocular lens & a 100x objective

a. 100x
b. 10x
c. 45x
d. 4.5x
e. 1000x

e. 1000x


Which microscope is used to see detail of a 300-nm virus?

a. Fluorescence microscope
b. DIC microscope
c. Phase-contrast microscope
d. Electron microscope
e. Darkfield microscope

d. Electron microscope


The resolution of a microscope can be improved by changing the

a. Diaphragm.
b. Find adjustment.
c. Condenser.
d. Wavelength of light.
e. Coarse adjustment.

d. Wavelenght of light


Which of the following statements best describes what happens when a bacterial cell is plced in a solution containing 5% NaCl? Hint: Bacterial cells contain less than 5% NaCl.

a. Sucrose will move into the cell from a higher to lower concentration.
b. The cell will undergo osmotic lysis.
c. Water will move out of the cell.
d. Water will move into the cell.
e. No change will result; the solution is isotonic.

c. Water will move out of the cell.


By which of the following mechanisms can a cell transport a substance from a lower to higher concentration?

a. Simple diffusion
b. Facilitated diffusion
c. Extracellular enzymes
d. Active transport
e. Aquaporins

d. Active transport


Which drawing in Figure 4.1 is a tetrad?

card image

Your answer will be the one that looks like the above image.


Which drawing in Figure 4.1 is streptococci?

card image

Your answer will be the one that looks like the above image.
* A single row of circles, like round beads on a string.

card image

Choice a. is on the left (<-) & b. is on the right (->).
*You'll need this diagram for the last 3 questions.
**this is the identical diagram used for exam.**

card image

Choice a. is on the left (<-) & b. is on the right (->).
*You'll need this diagram for the last 3 questions.
**this is the identical diagram used for exam.**


In figure 4.3, which diagram of a cell wall is a gram-negative cell wall?

card image

b - the one on the right ->


In figure 4.3, which diagram of a cell wall is decolorized by ethyl alcohol?

card image

b - the one on the right ->


In figure 4.3, which diagram of a cell wall contains teichoic acids?

card image

a - the one on the left <-


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