Chapter 11 Flashcards

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1) Which of the following are found primarily in the intestines of humans?

A) gram-negative aerobic rods and cocci

B) aerobic, helical bacteria

C) facultatively anaerobic gram-negative rods

D) gram-positive cocci

E) endospore-forming rods

Answer: C

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What is group "c." in the key shown in Figure 11.1?

A) bacteroidetes

B) chlamydiae

C) fusobacteria

D) planctomycetes

E) spirochaetes

Answer: E


3) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic inherent of the non-endospore-forming gram-positive rods?

A) are aerotolerant

B) carry out fermentative metabolism

C) display a branched filamentous morphology

D) nonpathogenic

E) lack cell walls

Answer: D


4) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Neisseria?

A) requires X and V factors

B) cocci

C) gram-negative

D) oxidase-positive

E) Some species are human pathogens.

Answer: A


5) Staphylococcus and Streptococcus can be easily differentiated in a laboratory by which one of the following?

A) cell shape

B) Gram stain reaction

C) growth in high salt concentrations

D) ability to cause disease

E) glucose fermentation

Answer: C


6) Which of the following genera is an anaerobic gram-negative rod?

A) Escherichia

B) Staphylococcus

C) Bacteroides

D) Treponema

E) Neisseria

Answer: C


7) Which of the following do you expect to be MOST resistant to high temperatures?

A) Bacillus subtilis

B) Eschericia coli

C) Neisseria gonorrhoeae

D) Staphylococcus aureus

E) Streptococcocus pyogenes

Answer: A


8) Which of the following is NOT an enteric?

A) Salmonella

B) Shigella

C) Escherichia

D) Enterobacter

E) Campylobacter

Answer: E


9) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of spirochetes?

A) possess an axial filament

B) gram-negative

C) helical shape

D) easily observed with brightfield microscopy

E) found in the human oral cavity

Answer: D


10) You have isolated a bacterium that grows in a medium containing an organic substrate and nitrate in the absence of oxygen. The nitrate is reduced to nitrogen gas. You can be sure that this bacterium is

A) gram-positive.

B) using anaerobic respiration.

C) a chemoautotroph.

D) a photoautotroph.

E) a photoheterotroph.

Answer: B


11) Which of the following lacks a cell wall?

A) Borrelia

B) Mycoplasma

C) Mycobacterium

D) Clostridium

E) Nocardia

Answer: B


12) Which of the following bacteria is gram-negative?

A) Treponema

B) Corynebacterium

C) Bacillus

D) Staphylococcus

E) Mycobacterium

Answer: A


13) Which of the following form conidiospores?

A) endospore-forming gram-positive rods and cocci

B) actinomycetes and related organisms

C) rickettsias

D) anaerobic gram-negative cocci

E) spiral and curved bacteria

Answer: B


14) Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

A) dissimilatory sulfate-reducing bacteria — produce H2S

B) archaea — extremophiles

C) chemoautotrophic bacteria — fix atmospheric nitrogen

D) actinomycetes — reproduce by fragmentation

E) Cytophaga — a gliding, nonfruiting bacterium

Answer: C


15) Rickettsias differ from chlamydias in that rickettsias

A) are gram-negative.

B) are intracellular parasites.

C) require an arthropod for transmission.

D) form elementary bodies.

E) are enterics.

Answer: C


16) Requirements for X and V factors are used to identify

A) Staphylococcus.

B) Escherichia.

C) Neisseria.

D) Haemophilus.

E) Pseudomonas.

Answer: D


17) You have isolated a bacterium that grows in a medium containing only inorganic nutrients. Ammonia is oxidized to a nitrate ion. This bacterium is

A) gram-negative.

B) using anaerobic respiration.

C) a chemoautotroph.

D) a photoautotroph.

E) a photoheterotroph.

Answer: C


18) Which of the following bacteria is gram-positive?

A) Pseudomonas

B) Salmonella

C) Streptococcus

D) Bacteroides

E) Rickettsia

Answer: C


19) Escherichia coli belongs to the

A) proteobacteria.

B) gram-positive bacteria.

C) green sulfur bacteria.

D) spirochetes.

E) actinomycetes.

Answer: A


20) Which one of the following bacteria does NOT belong with the others?

A) Bacillus

B) Escherichia

C) Lactobacillus

D) Staphylococcus

E) Streptococcus

Answer: B


21) Which of the following statements about the causative agent of Rocky Mountain spotted fever is FALSE?

A) It is an intracellular parasite.

B) It is transmitted by ticks.

C) It is in the genus Rickettsia.

D) It is gram-negative.

E) It is found in soil and water.

Answer: E


22) A primary difference between cyanobacteria and purple and green phototrophic bacteria is

A) energy source.

B) cell wall type.

C) electron donor for CO2

D) cell type.

E) color.

Answer: C


23) Which one of the following bacteria does NOT belong with the others?

A) Bordetella

B) Burkholderia

C) Neisseria

D) Acidithiobacillus

E) Salmonella

Answer: E


24) Which of the following bacteria are responsible for more infections and more different kinds of infections?

A) Streptococcus

B) Staphylococcus

C) Salmonella

D) Pseudomonas

E) Neisseria

Answer: A


25) Both Beggiatoa and the purple sulfur bacteria use H2S. These bacteria differ in that Beggiatoa

A) uses H2S for an energy source.

B) uses H2S for a carbon source.

C) uses light energy.

D) belongs to the gammaproteobacteria.

E) is a heterotroph.

Answer: A


26) The nonsulfur photosynthetic bacteria use organic compounds as

A) carbon sources.

B) electron donors to reduce CO2.

C) energy sources.

D) electron acceptors.

E) oxygen sources.

Answer: B


27) Which of the following is the best reason to classify Streptococcus in the Lactobacillales?

A) Gram reaction

B) morphology

C) fermentation of lactose

D) rRNA sequences

E) found in dairy products

Answer: D


28) Streptomyces differs from Actinomyces because Streptomyces

A) makes antibiotics.

B) produces conidia.

C) forms filaments.

D) is a strict aerobe.

E) is a bacterium.

Answer: D


29) All of the following bacteria are gram-positive. Which does NOT belong with the others?

A) Actinomyces

B) Gardnerella

C) Corynebacterium

D) Listeria

E) Mycobacterium

Answer: D


30) Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, and Serratia are all

A) pathogens.

B) gram-negative facultatively anaerobic rods.

C) gram-positive aerobic cocci.

D) fermentative.

E) endospore-forming bacteria.

Answer: B


31) You have isolated a gram-positive rod. What should you do next?

A) Gram stain

B) lactose fermentation

C) endospore stain

D) flagella stain

E) enterotube

Answer: C


32) Borrelia is classified as a spirochete because it

A) is aerobic.

B) possesses an axial filament.

C) is a rod.

D) is a pathogen.

E) is transmitted by ticks.

Answer: B


33) Thiobacillus oxidizes inorganic sulfur compounds and reduces CO2. This bacterium is a

A) chemoheterotroph.

B) chemoautotroph.

C) photoautotroph.

D) gammaproteobacteria.

E) photoheterotroph.

Answer: B


34) You have isolated a prokaryotic cell. The first step in identification is a(n)

A) Gram stain.

B) lactose fermentation test.

C) endospore stain.

D) flagella stain.

E) DNA fingerprint.

Answer: A


35) Actinomycetes differ from fungi in that actinomycetes

A) are chemoheterotrophs.

B) lack a membrane-bounded nucleus.

C) require light.

D) are decomposers.

E) cause disease.

Answer: B


36) You have isolated an aerobic gram-positive, endospore-forming bacterium that grows well on nutrient agar. To which of the following groups does it most likely belong?

A) phototrophic bacteria

B) gammaproteobacteria

C) deltaproteobacteria

D) bacillales

E) The answer cannot be determined based on the information provided.

Answer: D


37) Which of the following pairs is mismatched?

A) spirochete — axial filament

B) aerobic, helical bacteria — gram-negative

C) enterics — gram-negative

D) mycobacteria — acid-fast

E) Pseudomonas — gram-positive

Answer: E


38) Which one of the following does NOT belong with the others?

A) Coxiella

B) Ehrlichia

C) Rickettsia

D) Staphylococcus

E) Wolbachia

Answer: D


39) Caulobacter are different from most bacteria in that they

A) are gram-negative.

B) are gram-positive.

C) have stalks.

D) lack cell walls.

E) are motile.

Answer: C


40) All of the following bacteria are motile. Which does NOT have flagella?

A) Escherichia

B) helical bacteria

C) Pseudomonas

D) spirochetes

E) Salmonella

Answer: D


41) Which of the following bacteria does NOT belong with the others?

A) Halobacterium

B) Halococcus

C) Methanobacterium

D) Staphylococcus

E) Sulfolobus

Answer: D


42) Mycoplasmas differ from other bacteria in that they

A) grow inside host cells.

B) lack a cell wall.

C) are acid-fast.

D) are motile.

E) are gram-negative.

Answer: B


43) Which of the following pairs is NOT correctly matched?

A) elementary body — Escherichia

B) endospore — Bacillus

C) endospore — Clostridium

D) heterocyst — cyanobacteria

E) myxospore — gliding bacteria

Answer: A


44) Burkholderia was reclassified from the gammaproteobacteria to the betaproteobacteria because

A) it grows in disinfectants.

B) it is a gram-negative rod.

C) it causes infections in cystic fibrosis patients.

D) it causes melioidosis.

E) its rRNA sequence is similar to that of Neisseria.

Answer: E


45) The crab industry needs female crabs for growing more crabs. What bacterium might be used to ensure development of female crabs and shrimp?

A) Acinetobacter

B) Gemmata

C) Neisseria

D) Pelagibacter

E) Wolbachia

Answer: E