Marketing Exam 2 Flashcards

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When making important purchases consumers consult friends/family. This is external info search





The greater the discrepancy between consumer's ____, the greater the consumer's need recognition

1. Needy state and desired state

2. Search for alternatives and alternatives found

3. External and internal information search

4. Financial risk and performance risk

1. Needy state and desired state


Key to marketing that appeals to the firm's target market is to meet the correct balance of ____

1. Postpurchase and prepurchase

2. functional and psychological

3. functional and social

4. safety and situational

2. functional and psychological


The floor rusted through on Kelly's old car. The next step in consumer decision process is

1. evaluate alternatives

2. identify her need.

3. assess her satisfaction with the car she purchased.

4. Search for information about cars

4. Search for information about cars


Which of the following is not an element of the factors affecting consumers' search processes?

1. perceived risk

2. actual risk

3. functional versus psychological need

4. locus of control

3. functional versus psychological need


Marketers particularly want their brands and products to be in consumers' ____ sets.

1. behavioral

2. retrieval

3. deterministic

4. evoked

4. evoked


Post purchase cognitive dissonance is especially likely for products that are

1. personally valuable, antique, or foreign-made.

2. cheap, poorly made, and made of plastic.

3. simple, easily copied, and new

4. expensive, rarely purchased, and tied to high levels of risk

4. expensive, rarely purchased, and tied to high levels of risk


Maslow's Hierarchy: physiological (lowest) to self actualization (highest). What is in between?

1. community, family, and self.

2. health, wealth, and happiness.

3. material goods, safety, and love.

4. safety, love, and esteem.

4. safety, love and esteem


Hollywood stars were among the first to buy electric and hybrid vehicles, these stars became __

1. reference groups

2. internal loci of control

3. evoked images

4. cultural icons

1. reference groups


The consumer's level of involvement can lead to two types of buying decisions: ____ and ____

1. culturally influenced; autonomous

2. habitual; extended

3. extended problem solving; limited problem solving

4. physiological/safety; esteem/self-actualization

3. extended problem solving; limited problem solving


11. Automobile manufacturers design for very tall, likely segment is not substantial.

1. True

2. False

1. True


The first step in the STP process is to

1. study strengths and weaknesses of past marketing strategies

2. define the firm's vision or marketing strategy objectives

3. select target markets

4. identify the segmentation methods to be used.

2. define the firm's vision or marketing strategy objectives


Which targeting strategy when a firm targets several segments with different offerings for each

1. differentiated

2. micromarketing

3. undifferentiated

4. concentrated

1. differentiated


Companies use the internet to allow consumers to design customized products. This is a form of ___

1. concentrated targeting

2. micromarketing

3. psychographic segmentation

4. undifferentiated targeting

2. micromarketing


To develop psychographic segments, the marketer must understand consumers'

1. age, income, and education

2. gender, race, and religion

3. buying patterns and behaviors

4. self-values, self-concept, and lifestyles

4. self-values, self-concept, and lifestyles


Marketers found ___segmentation, more useful for predicting consumer behavior than ___segmentation.

1. psychographic; demographic

2. demographic; benefit

3. demographic; psychographic

4. demographic; behavioral

1. psychographic; demographic


Toothpastes sold in supermarkets that promise whiter teeth are using ____ segmentation

1. demographic

2. psychographic

3. loyalty

4. benefit

4. benefit


Another name for micromarketing is:

1. neuromarketing

2. qualitative marketing

3. one-to-one marketing

4. ethnographic marketing

3. one-to-one marketing


Geodemographic segmetation can be particularly useful for

1. Internet marketers

2. sales oriented firms

3. retailers

4. consumer goods manufacturers

3. retailers


Which is not an element of attractiveness?

1. substantial

2. realistic

3. reachable

4. responsive

2. realistic


Used to illustrate the position of a firm's products or brands in consumer's minds

1. perceptual map

2. loyalty timeline

3. PRIZIM analysis

4. mass marketing analysis

1. perceptual map


1 benefit of marketing research is to reduce the uncertainty under which managers make decisions.

1. True

2. False

1. True


Warren doesn't know what question to ask/who to talk to. He should begin with quantitative research.

1. True

2. False

2. False


The first question a marketing researcher should ask before embarking on a research study is

1. What is the due date?

2. Will the research be useful?

3. What sample size will be needed?

4. Who will pay for it?

2. Will the research be useful?


Advantages of using secondary data includes:

1. historical data that can be used to predict future trends.

2. They have been collected for the purpos Joe is using it for

3. their high cost can be justified by the results.

4. they can be quickly accessed at a relatively low cost.

4. They can be quickly accessed at a relatively low cost.


___ confirms insights and provides a basis for taking a course of action.

1. statistical sourcing

2. qualitative research

3. primary data collection

4. quantitative research

4. quantitative research


Which of the following statements best describes secondary data?

1. Always meets researchers needs

2. pieces of data that have been collected prior to research.

2. Pieces of data that have been collected prior to research.


Which of the following types of research would be considered quantitative research?

1. focus group research

2. observational research

3. social media monitoring

4. experimental research

4. experimental research


What form of research might Mattell use to determine which toys 4yr olds played with?

1. observation

2. focus group

3. experiment

4. panel

1. observation


1 advantage of primary data collection is that it can be collected to fit the research needs

1. True

2. False

1. True


Donald is analyzing and interpreting data. In the process, he converts data into information

1. True

2. False

1. True


One of the difficulties in running a shoe company is the need to have significant ____

1. Product mix depth

2. brand equity

3. product line depth

4. product line breadth

3. product line depth


Nora is deciding whether to purchase brand-name sneakers or a less expensive store brand

1. higher degrees of brand loyalty.

2. more product line depth.

3. a better brand image.

4. greater perceived value.

4. greater perceived value


For marketers, one of the benefits of having achieved brand loyalty is

1. few worries about copyright infringement.

2. greater concern about competitors' actions

3. increased price sensitivity among loyal customers.

4. lower costs associated with reaching loyal customer.

4. lower market costs associated with reaching loyal customers


Another name for a manufacturer's brand is a(n) ____ brand

1. national

2. extended

3. private-label

4. systematic

1. national


Which of the following is the best example of a family brand?

1. Kellogg's Special K and Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies

2. KFC/Taco Bell fast foods

3. Tostitos Multigrain Scoops and Tostitos Chunky Salsa

4. Cadillac, GMC, and Chevrolet

3. Tostitos Multigrain Scoops and Tostitos Chunky Salsa


P&G own both Old Spice and Lams (pet products). This would be an example of:

1. individual brands

2. family brands.

3. traditional brands.

4. umbrella brands

1. individual brands


You search a long time considering alternatives. A backpack represents what type of product?

1. shopping

2. routine

3. unsought

4. convenience

1. shopping


Milk and bread are examples of ___ goods because consumers don't evaluate a lot of alternatives

1. ritual goods

2. convenience goods

3. specialty goods

4. impulse goods

2. convenience goods


When a salesperson calls you to sell a cemetery plot, this is most likely what type of product?

1. shopping product

2. convenience product

3. unsought product

4. line extension

3. unsought product


Brands that are owned by ____ are called private label brands

1. retailers

2. wholesalers

3. supply chain specialists

4. manufacturers

1. retailers


Nike sells shoes, clothing, and athletic gear. These represent the depth of Nike's products.

1. True

2. False

2. False


I searched online for a computer until I found one for sale. This is an example of a ____ product

1. shopping

2. unsought

3. business

4. convenience

1. shopping


Each product grouping at the retailer: ___ all products grouped together constitute retailer's:

1. product tangibility; product unit

2. product line; product mix

3. product mix; product line

4. product mix; product unit

2. product line; product mix