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created 8 years ago by PA49
Chapter 24 Digestive System
updated 8 years ago by PA49
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Each of the following organs is a component of the digestive tract except the

A) colon.
B) bladder.
C) pharynx.
D) esophagus.
E) stomach.

B) bladder.


Which of the following is an accessory organ of digestion?

A) colon
B) pancreas
C) spleen
D) appendix
E) esophagus

B) pancreas


Digestion refers to the

A) mechanical breakdown of food.
B) chemical breakdown of food.
C) mechanical and chemical breakdown of food.
D) progressive dehydration of indigestible residue.
E) All of the answers are correct.

C) mechanical and chemical breakdown of food.


Which of the following is not a function of the digestive system?

A) filtration
B) secretion
C) ingestion
D) mechanical processing
E) absorption

A) filtration


Which of the following descriptions best matches the term submucosal plexus?

A) component of mucosa
B) coordinates activity of muscularis externa
C) loose connective tissue layer containing blood vessels
D) sensory neural network
E) secretes a watery fluid

D) sensory neural network


Waves of muscular contractions that propel the contents of the digestive tract are called

A) segmentation.
B) pendular movements.
C) peristalsis.
D) mastication.
E) churning movements.



The activities of the digestive system are regulated by

A) hormones.
B) parasympathetic and sympathetic neurons.
C) intrinsic nerve plexuses.
D) the contents of the digestive tract.
E) All of the answers are correct.



The digestive tract is also referred to as the

A) alimentary canal.
B) GI tract.
C) esophagus.
D) alimentary canal and the GI tract.
E) All of the answers are correct.



The lamina propria and mucous epithelium are components of the

A) muscularis mucosa.
B) submucosa.
C) mucosa.
D) serosa.
E) adventitia.



Which of the following descriptions best matches the term myenteric plexus?

A) coordinates activity of muscularis externa
B) secretes a watery fluid
C) component of mucosa
D) sensory neural network
E) loose connective tissue layer containing blood vessels
