GEOL: Geol. 1403/Cook quiz 9 Flashcards

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created 6 years ago by Devalon_N_Burk
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Chapter 9
Deformation & Mountain Building
updated 6 years ago by Devalon_N_Burk
geology, science
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The Black Hills of South Dakota are a good example of a ____.

a) anticline

b) syncline

c) basins

d) dome



Large circular downwarped structures are called ____.

a) antoclines

b) synclines

c) basins

d) domes



What combination should favor folding rather than faulting?

a) high temperature and low confining pressure

b) low confining pressure and low temperature

c) high confining pressure and low temperature

d) high teperature and gigh confining pressure

high temperature and high confining pressure


Tensional forces normally cause which of the following?

a) strike-slip faults

b) reverse faults

c) normal faults

d) thrust faults

normal faults


The ____ in California is the boundary between the North American and Pacific plates.

a) Sierra Nevada frontal fault

b) San Andrea strike-slip fault

c) San Louis Obispo thrust fault

d) San Fransisco normal fault

San Andreas strike-slip fault


A(n) ____ is a thick accumalation of sediments and small tectonic blocks formed of material scraped off a descending lithosperic plate.

a) mass movement complex

b) continental shelf, terrain complex

c) accretionary-wedge complex

d) subterranean-accumalation complex

accretionary-wedge complex


In a normal fault ____.

a) the hanging wall block below an iclined fault plane moves downward relative to the other block

b) the foorwall block below an inclined fault plane moves downward relative to the other block

c) the hanging wall block above an inclined fault plane moves downward relative to the other plane

d) the footwall block above an inclined fault plane moves upward relative to the other block.

the hanging wall block above an inclined fault plane moves downward relative to the other block


A transform fault is ____.

a) a strike-slip fault that forms the boundary between tectonic plates

b) a dip-slip fault connecting an arctic line with a syncline

c) a reverse fault that steepens into a thrust fault

d) the rift bounding faults on a mid-ocean ridge

a strike-slip fault that forms the boundary between tectonic plates


Brittle deformation would be favored over plastic deformation in which of the following conditions?

a) high confining pressure

b) warmer temperatures

c) cooler temperatures

d) shallow depths

cooler temperatures


A thrust fault is best described as ____.

a) a steeply inclined, oblique fault

b) low-angle reverse fault

c) a verticle, normal fault

d) a near verticle, strike-slip fault

a low angle, reverse fault


A horst is ____.

a) an uplifted block bounded by two normal faults

b) a downdropped blockmbounded by two reverse faults

c) an uplifted block bounded by two reverse faults

d) a downdropped block bounded by two normal faults

an uplifted block bounded by two normal faults


A syncline is ____.

a) a fold in which the strata dip away from the axis

b) a fold with only one limb

c) a fold in which the strata dip toward the axis

d) a fold characterized by recumbent limbs

a fold in which the strata dip toward the axis


A ____ fault has little or no verticle movements of the two blocks.

a) stick-slip

b) oblique-slip

c) strike-slip

d) dip-slip



In a ____ fault, the hanging wall block moves up with respect to the footwall block.

a) normal

b) inverse

c) reverse

d) abnormal



In thrust faulting ____.

a) grabens develop on the footwall block

b) a crust is shortened and thickened

c) horizontal, tensional stresses drive the deformation

d) the hanging wall block slips downward along the thrust fault

the crust is shortened and thickened


Which of the following stress situations results in folding of flat-lying sedimentary strata?

a) horizontally directed, compressive stresses

b) vertically directed, extensional or stretching stresses

c) horizontally directed ; extensional stresses

d) vertically directed; compressional stresses

horizontally directed compressive stresses


A graben is characterized by ____.

a) a hanging wall block that has moved in between two reverse faults

b) a footwall block that has moved up between two normal faults

c) a hanging wall block that has moved between two normal faults

d) a footwall block that has moved down between two reverse faults

a hanging wall block that has moved down between two normal faults


The mountains and valleys of the Basin and Range Province of the western U.S. formed in response to ____.

a) a strike-slip faulting and hanging wallblock uplifts

b) reverse faults and large displacement, thrust faulting

c) tensional stresses and normal-fault movement

d) normal faulting and horizontal compression

tensional stresses and normal-fault movements.


The Sierra Nevada, California, and Tenton, Wyoming ranges are examples of ____.

a) fault blocks uplifted by late Tertiary to Quarternary normal faulting

b) folding, compression, and thickening of Paleozoic strata in Jurassic time

c) isostatic uplift of crust over thickened in early Paleozoic time

d) uplifted blocks bounded by Quarternary reverse faults

fault blocks uplifted by late Tertiary to Quaternary normal faulting


A good example of a present-day, passive continental margin is the ____.

a) north flank of the East Pacific Rise

b) west coast of South America

c) east coast of Japanese Islands

d) east coast of North America

east coast of North America


The ____ are geologically old mountain range folded and deformed during the Paleozoic.

a) Cascades in northwestern United States

b) Rockies in the western United States

c) Appalachians in the eastern United States

d) Alps in Europe

Appalachians in the Eastern United States


The term ____ refers specifically to geologic mountain building.

a) orogneisses

b) orogenesis

c) orthogeny

d) orthogonal



Which one of the following is an example of an isostatic movement?

a) stream downcutting following a drop in sea level

b) arching of strata at the center of a dome

c) numerous aftershocks associated with deep-focus earthquakes

d) uplift of areas recently covered by thick, continental ice sheets

uplift of areas recently covered by thick, continental ice sheets


Folded limestones that occur high in the Himalayas were originally deposited as sediments in a ____.

a) marine basin between India and Eurasia

b) Cenozoic fault basin between Africa and Arabia

c) deep ocean trench between the southern margin of India

d) late Paleozoic syncline north of the Tibetan plataeu

marine basin between India and Eurasia


The concept that rocks of the crust and upper mantle are floating in gravitational balance is known as ____.

a) isotropy

b) isostacy

c) isobration

d) isomonism
