front 1 Invertebrates | back 1 An animal without a backbone. They make up 95% of animal species. |
front 2 Suspension feeders | back 2 An aquatic animal, such as a sponge, clam, or baleen whale, that feeds by sifting small organisms or food particles from the water. |
front 3 ![]() Spongocoel | back 3 The central cavity of a sponge. |
front 4 ![]() Osculum | back 4 A large opening in a sponge that connects the spongocoel to the environment. |
front 5 ![]() Choanocytes | back 5 A flagellated feeding cell found in sponges. Also called a collar cell, it has a collar-like ring that traps food particles around the base of its flagellum. |
front 6 ![]() Mesohyl | back 6 A gelatinous region between the two layers of cells of a sponge. |
front 7 ![]() Amoebocytes | back 7 An amoeba-like cell that moves by pseudopodia and is found in most animals. Depending on the species, it may digest and distribute food, dispose of wastes, form skeletal fibers, fight infections, or change into other cell types. |
front 8 Hermophrodites | back 8 An individual that functions as both male and female in sexual reproduction by producing both sperm and eggs. |
front 9 Gastrovascular cavity | back 9 A central cavity with a single opening in the body of certain animals, including cnidarians and flatworms, that functions in both the digestion and distribution of nutrients. |
front 10 Polyps | back 10 The sessile variant of the cnidarian body plan. The alternate form is the medusa. |
front 11 Medusa | back 11 The floating, flattened, mouth-down version of the cnidarian body plan. The alternate form is the polyp. |
front 12 Cnidocytes | back 12 A specialized cell unique to the phylum Cnidaria; contains a capsule-like organelle housing a coiled thread that, when discharged, explodes outward and functions in prey capture or defense. |
front 13 Nematocysts | back 13 In a cnidocyte of a cnidarian, a capsule-like organelle containing a coiled thread that when discharged can penetrate the body wall of the prey. |
front 14 Protonephridium | back 14 An excretory system, such as the flame bulb system of flatworms, consisting of a network of tubules lacking internal openings. |
front 15 Planarians | back 15 A free-living flatworm found in ponds and streams. |
front 16 Alimentary canal | back 16 A complete digestive tract, consisting of a tube running between a mouth and an anus. |
front 17 Parthogenesis | back 17 A form of asexual reproduction in which females produce offspring from unfertilized eggs. |
front 18 Ectoprocts | back 18 A sessile, colonial lophophorate; also called a bryozoan. |
front 19 Exoskeleton | back 19 A hard encasement on the surface of an animal, such as the shell of a mollusc or the cuticle of an arthropod, that provides protection and points of attachment for muscles. |
front 20 Brachiopods | back 20 A marine lophophorate with a shell divided into dorsal and ventral halves; also called a lamp shell. |
front 21 ![]() Foot | back 21 (1) The portion of a bryophyte sporophyte that gathers sugars, amino acids, water, and minerals from the parent gametophyte via transfer cells. (2) One of the three main parts of a mollusc; a muscular structure usually used for movement. |
front 22 ![]() Visceral mass | back 22 One of the three main parts of a mollusc; a fold of tissue that drapes over the mollusc’s visceral mass and may secrete a shell. See also foot, visceral mass. |
front 23 ![]() Mantle | back 23 One of the three main parts of a mollusc; a fold of tissue that drapes over the mollusc’s visceral mass and may secrete a shell. |
front 24 ![]() Mantle cavity | back 24 A water-filled chamber that houses the gills, anus, and excretory pores of a mollusc. |
front 25 Radula | back 25 A straplike scraping organ used by many molluscs during feeding. |
front 26 Torsion | back 26 In gastropods, a developmental process in which the visceral mass rotates up to 180°, causing the animal’s anus and mantle cavity to be positioned above its head. |
front 27 Ammonites | back 27 A member of a group of shelled cephalopods that were important marine predators for hundreds of millions of years until their extinction at the end of the Cretaceous period (65.5 million years ago). |
front 28 Cuticle | back 28 (1) A waxy covering on the surface of stems and leaves that prevents desiccation in terrestrial plants. (2) The exoskeleton of an arthropod, consisting of layers of protein and chitin that are variously modified for different functions. (3) A tough coat that covers the body of a nematode. |
front 29 Molting | back 29 A process in ecdysozoans in which the exoskeleton is shed at intervals, allowing growth by the production of a larger exoskeleton. |
front 30 Arthropods | back 30 A segmented ecdysozoan with a hard exoskeleton and jointed appendages. Familiar examples include insects, spiders, millipedes, and crabs. |
front 31 Open circulatory system | back 31 A circulatory system in which fluid called hemolymph bathes the tissues and organs directly and there is no distinction between the circulating fluid and the interstitial fluid. |
front 32 Chelicerates | back 32 An arthropod that has chelicerae and a body divided into a cephalothorax and an abdomen. Living one include sea spiders, horseshoe crabs, scorpions, ticks, and spiders. |
front 33 Myriapods | back 33 A terrestrial arthropod with many body segments and one or two pairs of legs per segment. Millipedes and centipedes are the two major groups of living myriapods. |
front 34 Hexapods | back 34 An insect or closely related wingless, six-legged arthropod. |
front 35 Crustaceans | back 35 A member of a subphylum of mostly aquatic arthropods that includes lobsters, crayfishes, crabs, shrimps, and barnacles. |
front 36 Chelicerae | back 36 One of a pair of clawlike feeding appendages characteristic of chelicerates. |
front 37 Eurypterids | back 37 An extinct carnivorous chelicerate; also called a water scorpion. |
front 38 Arachnids | back 38 A member of a major arthropod group, the chelicerates. Arachnids include spiders, scorpions, ticks, and mites. |
front 39 Book lungs | back 39 An organ of gas exchange in spiders, consisting of stacked plates contained in an internal chamber. |
front 40 Mandibles | back 40 One of a pair of jaw-like feeding appendages found in myriapods, hexapods, and crustaceans. |
front 41 Incomplete metamorphosis | back 41 A type of development in certain insects, such as grasshoppers, in which the young (called nymphs) resemble adults but are smaller and have different body proportions. The nymph goes through a series of molts, each time looking more like an adult, until it reaches full size. |
front 42 Complete metamorphosis | back 42 The transformation of a larva into an adult that looks very different, and often functions very differently in its environment, than the larva. |
front 43 Isopods | back 43 A member of one of the largest groups of crustaceans, which includes terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species. Among the terrestrial ones are the pill bugs, or wood lice. |
front 44 Decapods | back 44 A member of the group of crustaceans that includes lobsters, crayfishes, crabs, and shrimps. |
front 45 Copepods | back 45 Any of a group of small crustaceans that are important members of marine and freshwater plankton communities. |
front 46 Echinoderms | back 46 A slow-moving or sessile marine deuterostome with a water vascular system and, in larvae, bilateral symmetry. They include sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, feather stars, and sea cucumbers. |
front 47 Water vascular system | back 47 A network of hydraulic canals unique to echinoderms that branches into extensions called tube feet, which function in locomotion and feeding. |
front 48 Tube feet | back 48 One of numerous extensions of an echinoderm’s water vascular system. Tube feet function in locomotion and feeding. |
front 49 Phylum Porifera (Metazoa) | back 49 Sponges. Lack true tissues; have choanocytes (collar cells—flagellated cells that ingest bacteria and tiny food particles) |
front 50 Phylum Cnidaria (Metazoa --> Eumetazoa) | back 50 Hydras, jellies, sea anemones, corals. Unique stinging structures (nematocysts) housed in specialized cells (cnidocytes); diploblastic; radially symmetrical; gastrovascular cavity (digestive compartment with a single opening) |
front 51 Phylum Platyhelminthes (Metazoa --> Eumetazoa --> Bilateria --> Lophotrochozoa) | back 51 Flatworms. Dorsoventrally flattened, unsegmented acoelomates; gastrovascular cavity or no digestive tract |
front 52 Phylum Rotifera (Metazoa --> Eumetazoa --> Bilateria --> Lophotrochozoa) | back 52 Rotifers. Pseudocoelomates with alimentary canal (digestive tube with mouth and anus); jaws (trophi) in pharynx; head with ciliated crown |
front 53 Phylum Lophophorates (Metazoa --> Eumetazoa --> Bilateria --> Lophotrochozoa) | back 53 Ectoprocta, Brachiopoda. Coelomates with lophophores (feeding structures bearing ciliated tentacles) |
front 54 Phylum Mollusca (Metazoa --> Eumetazoa --> Bilateria --> Lophotrochozoa) | back 54 Clams, snails, squids. Coelomates with three main body parts (muscular foot, visceral mass, mantle); coelom reduced; most have hard shell made of calcium carbonate. |
front 55 Phylum Annelida (Metazoa --> Eumetazoa --> Bilateria --> Lophotrochozoa) | back 55 Segmented worms. Coelomates with segmented body wall and internal organs (except digestive tract, which is unsegmented) |
front 56 Phylum Nematoda (Metazoa --> Eumetazoa --> Bilateria --> Ecdysozoa) | back 56 Roundworms. Cylindrical, unsegmented pseudocoelomates with tapered ends; no circulatory system; undergo ecdysis |
front 57 Phylum Athropoda (Metazoa --> Eumetazoa --> Bilateria --> Ecdysozoa) | back 57 Crustaceans, insects, spiders. Coelomates with segmented body, jointed appendages, and exoskeleton made of protein and chitin |
front 58 Phylum Echinodermata (Metazoa --> Eumetazoa --> Bilateria --> Deuterostomia) | back 58 Sea stars, sea urchins. Coelomates with bilaterally symmetrical larvae and five-part body organization as adults; unique water vascular system; endoskeleton |
front 59 Phylum Chordata (Metazoa --> Eumetazoa --> Bilateria --> Deuterostomia) | back 59 Lancelets, tunicates, vertebrates. Coelomates with notochord; dorsal, hollow nerve cord; pharyngeal slits; post-anal tail. |