front 1 Which of the following is an example of a population? A.a spider and the fly it is about to eat | back 1 C |
front 2 To determine the density of a rabbit population, you would need to know the number of rabbits and _____. A.their pattern of dispersion | back 2 B |
front 3 In wild populations, individuals most often show a _____ pattern of dispersion. A.random | back 3 D |
front 4 x/n=s/N or, solving for population size, N=sn/x Suppose that none of the 44 dolphins encountered in the second
sampling had been photographed before. A.The equation can be solved, and you would conclude that the
population size is very small. | back 4 B |
front 5 ![]() In the figure above, which of the following survivorship curves implies that an animal may lay many eggs, of which a regular number die each year on a logarithmic scale? A.curve A | back 5 B |
front 6 ![]() In the figure above, which of the following survivorship curves most applies to humans living in developed countries? A.curve A | back 6 A |
front 7 ![]() Using the table above, how would you describe the population dynamics of L. vivipara? A.The population is stable. | back 7 C |
front 8 ![]() Using the table above, determine which age class year would hurt the population growth most if it were wiped out by disease. A.age class year 1 | back 8 A |
front 9 Suppose researchers marked 800 turtles and later were able to trap a total of 300 individuals in that population, of which 150 were marked. What is the estimate for total population size? A.1600 | back 9 A |
front 10 ![]() Looking at the figure above, what is contributing significantly to
stabilizing population size over time? A.only I | back 10 C |
front 11 Which of the following assumptions have to be made regarding the
mark-recapture estimate of population size? A.I only | back 11 D |
front 12 Which of the following is the most important assumption for the mark-recapture method to estimate the size of wildlife populations? A.Marked individuals have the same probability of being recaptured
as unmarked individuals during the recapture phase. | back 12 A |
front 13 ![]() Refer to the figure above. Which curve best describes survivorship in marine molluscs? A.A | back 13 D |
front 14 ![]() Refer to the figure above. Which curve best describes survivorship in elephants? A.A | back 14 A |
front 15 Long-term studies of Belding's ground squirrels show that immigrants move nearly 2 kilometers from where they are born and become 1%-8% of the males and 0.7%-6% of the females in other populations. On an evolutionary scale, why is this significant? A.These immigrants provide a source of genetic diversity for the
other populations. | back 15 A |
front 16 A population is correctly defined as having which of the following
characteristics? A.III only | back 16 B |
front 17 An ecologist recorded twelve white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus, per square kilometer in one woodlot and twenty per square kilometer in another woodlot. What was the ecologist comparing? A.range | back 17 B |
front 18 Which of the following groups would be most likely to exhibit uniform dispersion? A.lake trout, which seek out cold, deep water high in dissolved
oxygen | back 18 D |
front 19 Which of the following examples would most accurately measure the density of the population being studied? A.counting the number of times a one-kilometer transect is
intersected by tracks of red squirrels after a
snowfall | back 19 C |
front 20 Which of the following is the best natural example of uniform distribution? A.snails in an intertidal zone at low tide | back 20 C |
front 21 ![]() In the figure above, which of the lines represents the highest per-capita rate increase (r)? A.line D | back 21 B |
front 22 Starting from a single individual, what is the size of a population of bacteria at the end of a two-hour time period if they reproduce by binary fission every twenty minutes? (Assume unlimited resources and no mortality.) A.128 | back 22 B |
front 23 ![]() Which of the following graphs illustrates the population growth curve of single bacterium growing in a flask of ideal medium at optimum temperature over a two-hour period? | back 23 ![]() |
front 24 During exponential growth, a population always _____. A.grows at its maximum per capita rate | back 24 A |
front 25 Consider two old-growth forests: one is undisturbed while the other is being logged. In which region are species likely to experience exponential growth, and why? A.Logged, because the various populations are stimulated to a
higher reproductive potential. | back 25 C |
front 26 The number of individuals that a particular habitat can support with no degradation of that habitat is called _____. A.carrying capacity | back 26 A |
front 27 Imagine that you are managing a large game ranch. You know from historical accounts that a species of deer used to live there, but they have been extirpated. After doing some research to determine what might be an appropriately sized founding population, you reintroduce them. You then watch the population increase for several generations, and graph the number of individuals (vertical axis) against the number of generations (horizontal axis). With no natural predators impacting the population, the graph will likely appear as _____. A.a diagonal line, getting higher with each generation | back 27 C |
front 28 ![]() In the figure above, which of the arrows represents the carrying capacity? A.arrow A | back 28 C |
front 29 Which statements about K are correct? A.only I and III | back 29 B |
front 30 As N approaches K for a certain population, which of the following is predicted by the logistic equation? A.The growth rate will approach zero. | back 30 A |
front 31 Which of the following causes populations to shift most quickly from an exponential to a logistic population growth? A.decreased death rate | back 31 D |
front 32 According to the logistic growth equation, (dn/dt) = rmaxN(K-N)/K A.the per capita growth rate (r) increases as N approaches
K. | back 32 C |
front 33 Which of the following conditions favors "big-bang" reproduction? A.high levels of parental care | back 33 D |
front 34 Which of the following is regarded as a density-independent factor in the growth of natural populations? A.intraspecific competition | back 34 E |
front 35 What is the primary limiting factor that determines why no female animal can produce a very large number of very large eggs? A.Time is limited. | back 35 C |
front 36 Based on the figure above, which of the following statements correctly interprets the data? A.Clutch size decreases as female density increases. | back 36 A |
front 37 Natural selection involves energetic trade-offs between _____. A.high survival rates of offspring and the cost of parental
care | back 37 A |
front 38 Which of the following is characteristic of K-selected populations? A.a high intrinsic rate of increase | back 38 B |
front 39 ![]() Graph (b) in the figure above shows the normal fluctuations of a population of grouse. Assuming graph (a) in the figure above is the result of some experimental treatment in the grouse population, what can be concluded? A.The experimental treatment exacerbated the population
cycling. | back 39 B |
front 40 Resource competition, territoriality, disease, and toxic wastes are some of the factors that provide _____ and help regulate population. A.metapopulations | back 40 B |
front 41 ![]() What conclusion can you draw from the figure above? A.Hares control lynx population size. | back 41 D |
front 42 ![]() Looking at the data in the figure above from the hare/lynx
experiment, what conclusion can you draw? A.only I | back 42 D |
front 43 A population of white-footed mice becomes severely overpopulated in a habitat that has been disturbed by human activity. Sometimes intrinsic factors cause the population to increase in mortality and lower reproduction rates to occur in reaction to the stress of overpopulation. Which of the following is an example of intrinsic population control? A.All of the resources (food and shelter) are used up by
overpopulation, and much of the population dies of exposure and/or
starvation. | back 43 D |
front 44 Ignoring migration, the age structure of a human population likely to increase in size will have what shape? A.Both a pyramid and a rectangle tapering toward the top result in
a population that increases in size. | back 44 E |
front 45 Ignoring migration, the age structure of a human population likely to decrease in size will have what shape? A.a rectangle tapering toward the top | back 45 B |
front 46 Ignoring migration, the age structure diagram of a human population likely to maintain a relatively stable size will have what shape? A.Both a pyramid and a rectangle tapering toward the top result in
a population that remains stable in size. | back 46 B |
front 47 What are population dynamics? A.Number of individuals born each year in a
population. | back 47 D |
front 48 Which of the following statements about age pyramids is true? A.Populations in developed countries grow more quickly than
populations in less-developed countries. | back 48 B |
front 49 True or false? The growth rate of a certain population increases very quickly for a time and then levels off to zero. The most likely reason that the growth rate leveled off to zero is that the environment reached its carrying capacity. A.True | back 49 A |
front 50 The average age of childbearing in country A is 26, whereas the average age in country B is 30. In each country, the average number of offspring per woman is 3. Which of the following statements about the population growth rate in each country must be true? A.The population growth rate in country A is lower than in country
B. | back 50 B |
front 51 In 1970, the average age of childbearing was 28, and the average number of offspring per woman was 3 in a certain country. In 1980, the average age of childbearing was still 28, but the average number of offspring per woman was 2 in that country. If the death rate in the country remained constant during those years, how did the population growth rate change from 1970 to 1980? A.The population growth rate stayed the same. | back 51 C |
front 52 A broad-based pyramid-shaped age structure is characteristic of a population that is _____. by density-dependent factors | back 52 B |
front 53 Which of the following is the most accurate statement on Earth's carrying capacity for humans? A.When it comes to humans, the concept of K is
irrelevant. | back 53 C |
front 54 A recent study of ecological footprints concluded that _____. is not possible for technological improvements to increase
Earth's carrying capacity for humans | back 54 B |
front 55 ![]() What is a logical conclusion that can be drawn from the graphs above? Developed countries have _____. A.lower infant mortality rates and lower life expectancy than
developing countries | back 55 B |
front 56 Why does the 2009 U.S. population continue to grow even though the United States has essentially established a zero population growth (ZPG)? A.emigration | back 56 C |