front 5 Structural proteins/skeletal muscles are important: | back 5 - Generate passive tension when stretched
- Provide
internal & external support/alignment for the muscle fiber
- Assist in force-transfer
| back 6 structural support & elasticity to the muscle |
| back 7 - Epimysium
- Perimysium
- Endomysium
| back 8 tough outer covering that separates the muscle belly from other
structures in the body |
| back 9 divides the muscle into fascicles & allows room for blood vessels
& nerves to travel |
| back 10 - surrounds individual muscle fibers.
- Helps convey force
of contraction
- Shows sight of metabolic exchange between
fibers and capillaries
| back 11 Fusiform & pennate are most common |
front 12 Physiologic Cross-sectional Area (PCSA) | back 12 - Amount of active proteins available to generate a contraction
- cut perpendicular through the muscle belly, divide
muscle volume/muscle length
front 13 - PCSA EQUATION
- More PCSA =
| back 13 - PCSA = V/L
- more force generating capacity + more/high
pennation (assuming similar morphology)
| back 14 - Angle of orientation between muscle fibers & tendon
- 0 degrees = 100% of force transfer; 30 degrees = 86%
- *most human muscle has pennation angles between 0 & 30
front 15 Generating Force: Passive Length-Tension Curve | |
front 16 - Generating Force: Passive Length-Tension Curve
- Stretching + spring-like resistance
| back 16 - As you stretch a muscle passively, both the tendon (series) and
extracellular CT (parallel) generate a spring-like resistance
front 17 Muscles during Passive Length-Tension Curve | back 17 - Muscles lose ability to contract due to lack of overlap of
- passive resistance still provides force to
stabilize joints
front 18 Passive Length-Tension Curve: Elastin | back 18 - elasticity also allows some level of energy storage
- Muscles also demonstrate viscoelastic properties
- The
higher the velocity of stretch = higher the passive stiffness
- Elastin+KE+Muscle contraction = we can jump+sprint
front 19 Generating Force: Active Length-Tension | back 19 - Requires stimulation from nervous system
- Sliding
filament theory
front 20 Generating Force: Active Length-Tension (Sliding Filament Theory) | |
| back 21 - amt of active force depends (in part) on the length of the
muscle at that instant • (tells us how much crossbridging is
- ideal resting length =length that allows the most
front 22 Sliding Filament Theory (sarcomere) | back 22 - As a sarcomere is lengthened/shortened (past resting
- => less potential crossbridges=> less potential
force generation
front 23 The TOTAL length-tension relationship | |
front 24 Internal Torque-Joint Angle Curve | |
front 25 Internal Torque-Joint Angle Curve (muscle) | back 25 - Different for each muscle group
- Muscle length &
muscle moment arm are constantly changing!
| |
front 27 Force Velocity Curve: 3 contractions | back 27 - concentric
- eccentric
- isometric
| back 28 - Internal (muscle) torque > external (load) torque to produce
movement. - Muscle length shortens
| back 29 - muscles are driven by the nervous system, internal torque <
external torque
- The muscles are forced into lengthened
| back 30 - length of muscle remains the same.
- Internal torque =
torque. |
front 31 Max effort concentric contraction (FVC): | back 31 - muscle force is inversely
proportional to velocity of
muscle shortening - Limited by speed of crossbridging
front 32 Max effort eccentric contraction(FVC) | back 32 directly proportional to the velocity of muscle lengthening |
front 33 Eccentric force production >> concentric force production | back 33 - A greater average force per crossbridge, because they are
pulled apart
- A more rapid reattachment of crossbridge
- Passive tension produced by viscoelastic nature of
the stretched series & parallel elastic element
- —-—
- the metabolic costs & EMG activity are less
- Because eccentric contractions (assume force is equal) require
muscle fibers |
| |
| back 35 - in ventral spinal cord
- can be stimulated by multiple
inputs, but
primarily the decending cortical neurons (messages
from your brain) |
| back 36 alpha motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it innervates |
| back 37 - Motor units are recruited according to the amount of force
for the task - Innervation ratio: Depending on
the muscle, each alpha motor neuron may innervate between 5-2000
muscle fibers
front 38 Henneman’s Size Principle | back 38 - Smaller motor neurons are recruited before bigger
neurons - allows for smooth & controlled increments
force development |
| back 39 - longer twitches (hence “slow fibers”), hand/eye
- lower
- more fatigue-resistant
| back 40 - short twitches, thigh/hip
- higher force output
- easily-fatiguable
| |
front 42 Rate coding // Neural Drive | back 42 - force produced by a muscle is dependent
on subsequent
sequential action potentials - “how hard the CNS is driving a
- Need more force produced = CNS sends
more signals
- No relaxation btn twitches = fused
- dependent upon the length of the twitch! (slow MU =
tentany at lower freq)
front 43
Choosing between recruitment & rate-coding:
eccentric activation: | back 43 High force per crossbridge ==> less motor units required |
front 44
Choosing between recruitment & rate-coding:
Concentric activation | back 44 Lower force per crossbridge ==> more motor units required |
front 45
Choosing between recruitment & rate-coding: Rapid task | |
front 46 Electromyography (for muscle recruitment) | back 46 - Measuring the sum of the change in voltage from all action
potentials sent to an activated muscle
- indwelling (fine
wires into the muscle) or surface
(electrodes on skin) |
| back 47 - nervous system solving movement problems
- Force, joint
angles, goals, motivation, fears, etc.
- nervous system activates the fewest muscles or muscle fibers
possible for joint action control
- Henneman’s Size
- Rate Coding
- Energy Efficiency