front 1 *The ______________ in the eye converts light into nerve impulses, which are then transmitted along the optic nerve to the brain. | back 1 retina |
front 2 Which of the following defines hearing loss? | back 2 a loss of the ability to hear sounds at normal levels |
front 3 *The muscle in the eyelid called the ______________ ______________ is responsible for blinking and squinting. | back 3 *orbicularis muscle |
front 4 *The process called ______________ enables the eye to focus on images of objects that are near or faraway. | back 4 *accommodation |
front 5 Which of the following allows the eye to focus on images? | back 5 lens |
front 6 *The white of the eye, called the ______________ is the tough, outermost layer of the eye and covers all except the front of the eye. | back 6 *Sclera |
front 7 The __________ controls the amount of light entering the eye. | back 7 iris |
front 8 *The three tiny bones called ear ossicles are the malleus, incus, and ______________ | back 8 *tympanic membrane |
front 9 *An abnormal ringing in the ears is called ______________ | back 9 *Tinnitus |
front 10 *The area of the brain that is responsible for interpreting taste sensations is called the ______________ ______________ . | back 10 * gustatory cortex |