front 1 album | back 1 a collection with the recording of a determinad autor or music band |
front 2 Chart | back 2 : a ranking with the musical records |
front 3 Download | back 3 when you get a online music video |
front 4 live | back 4 : music played by human beings in a real stage |
front 5 lyrics | back 5 the words that make up a song |
front 6 make it | back 6 it gain something |
front 7 performance | back 7 the actuation of someone |
front 8 record | back 8 the register of the top songs in the history |
front 9 songwritter | back 9 the person that writtes the words of a song |
front 10 stage | back 10 the place where an artist plays its own song in a plublic space |
front 11 tour | back 11 when an artist or a music band visit diferent places in a determinated time |
front 12 track | back 12 the graphical representation of the way a signal moves in a determinated space |