front 1 back on your feet | back 1 recuperarse |
front 2 black out | back 2 desmayarse |
front 3 come down with | back 3 have or suffer an illness |
front 4 full of beans | back 4 dolor de tripa |
front 5 keep in shape | back 5 estar en forma |
front 6 On top of the world | back 6 sentirse genial |
front 7 On your last legs | back 7 sentirse fatal |
front 8 Out of shape | back 8 fuera de forma |
front 9 Pull through | back 9 pull through |
front 10 intentar cambiar de fĂsico | back 10 verse muy saludable |
front 11 under the weather | back 11 sentirse mal |