Day 10 Flashcards

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created 1 year ago by Wsky98
updated 1 year ago by Wsky98
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Astonishing (adj)


very surprising:

Ngạc nhiên, đáng kinh ngạc.

Her first novel enjoyed an astonishing success.


Congested (adj)


too blocked or crowded and causing difficulties.

Tắc nghẽn, đông đúc.

Congested roads are normal on holiday weekends.


Slum (n)


a very poor and crowded area, especially of a city:

Khu ổ chuột.

She was brought up in the slums of Lima.


to spend time in conditions that are much less good than the standard that you are used to:

We ran out of money on holiday and had to slum it in cheap hostels.


Advocate (v)


to publicly support or suggest an idea, development, or way of doing something:

Công khai ủng hộ cái gì đó.

He advocates the return of capital punishment.


capital punishment (n)

/ˌkæp.ɪ.t̬əl ˈpʌn.ɪʃ.mənt/

punishment by death, as ordered by a legal system

Tử hình.


Proposal (n)


a suggestion, sometimes a written one:

Kiến nghị, đề xuất.

Congress has rejected the latest economic proposal put forward by the President.


Established (adj)


established adjective (ACCEPTED)

accepted or respected because of having existed for a long period of time:

Được chấp nhận, thành lập.

There are established procedures for dealing with emergencies.

established adjective (WELL KNOWN)

used for describing someone who is known for doing a job well, because they have been doing it for a long time:

Nổi tiếng.

The band doesn't make much money - it's just getting established.

established adjective (OFFICIAL)

used for describing a Church or religion that is the official one of a country:

Tôn giáo chính thức.

The Methodists broke away from the established Church.


Merge (v)


to combine or join together, or to cause things to do this:

Hợp nhất, thống nhất.

They decided to merge the two companies into one.


Scheme (n,v)


an organized plan for doing something, especially something dishonest or illegal that will bring a good result for you:

Kế hoạch rất chi tiết.

He has a hare-brained/crazy scheme for getting rich before he's 20.


to make clever, secret plans that often deceive others:

Âm mưu.


Emission (n)


the act of sending out gas, heat, light, etc.:

Khí thải.


Purchase (v,n)


to buy something:

Trả triền, mua.

She purchased her first house with the money.


Dispense (v) (Money, services, information)


to give out things, especially products, services, or amounts of money:

Phân phát, phát, đưa ra.

There is a vending machine on the platform that dispenses snacks.


Phenomenon (n) singular


Phenomena (n) plural


phenomenon noun [C] (EXISTING THING)

something that exists and can be seen, felt, tasted, etc., especially something unusual or interesting:

Hiện tượng.

Gravity is a natural phenomenon.

someone or something special, esp. because it is completely different or extremely unusual:

Khác thường, phi thường, khác biệt.

He was a kind of phenomenon, an actor running for president.


Revenue (n)


the income that a government or company receives regularly:

Nguồn thu nhập của một tổ chức hay gì đó, doanh thu.


licensing (n)


the act of giving people official permission to do, have, or sell something:

Sự cấp phép, cấp phép.

In many countries, licensing is used as a method of deciding who should sell what.


Quantity (n)


the amount or number of something, especially that can be measured:

Số lượng, lượng.

We consumed vast quantities of food and drink that night.




Cường quốc.


Cite (v)


to mention something as proof for a theory or as a reason why something has happened:

Dẫn chứng, đưa ra ví dụ, trích dẫn.

She cited three reasons why people get into debt.

cite verb [T] (PRAISE)

to praise someone publicly for something the person has done:

Tuyên dương, ca ngợi.

He was cited for bravery.


Intervene (v)


intervene verb [I] (GET INVOLVED)

to intentionally become involved in a difficult situation in order to improve it or prevent it from getting worse:

Can thiệp.

The minister intervened personally to stop the museum from being closed.

intervene verb [I] (COME BETWEEN)

to happen between two times or between other events or activities:

Xen kẻ, chen vào.

Two decades intervened between the completion of the design and the opening of the theatre.


Inferior (adj)


not good, or not as good as someone or something else:

Không bằng, kém hơn.

These products are inferior to those we bought last year.