ob E1 V1 Flashcards

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a postpartum patient who has had a vaginal birth asks the nurse. "I was wondering if my cervix will return to its previous shape before i had the baby?" which is the best response by the nurse?

the cervix will now have a slit like shape


a patient who is 6 months pregnant has sought medical attention, saying she fell down the stairs. which scenario would cause an ER nurse to suspect that the woman has been battered?

the woman has injuries on various parts of her body that are in different stages of healing


the nurse is reviewing the principles of family centered care with a primiparous patient. which patient statement will the nurse need to correct?

because childbirth is normal, after my babys birth our family dynamics will not change


the nurse in labor and birth is caring for a muslim patient during the active phase of labor. the nurse notes that the patient quickly draws away when touched. which intervention should the nurse implement?

limit touching to a minimum because physical contact may not be acceptable in her culture


the clinic nurse is reviewing breastfeeding with a pregnant patient. which hormone will the nurse explain is responsible for milk production after the birth of the placenta?



a patient tells the nurse at a prenatal interview that she has quit smoking, and only has one glass of wine with dinner. which response by the nurse will be most helpful in promoting a lifestyle change?

you have made some good progress toward having a healthy baby. lets talk about the changes you have made


a 35 year old patient has an amniocentesis performed to identify whether her baby has a chromosomal defect. which statement indicates that the patient understands the situation?

when all the lab results come back, my husband and i will make a decision about the pregnancy


the patient indicates to the clinic nurse that she is trying to become pregnant. the clinic nurse reviews the patients chart and notes the following laboratory values: blood type O-, RPR nonreactive, rubella non-immune, HCT 35%. which laboratory value is most concerning to the nurse?

rubella non-immune


one of the assessments performed in the birth room is checking the umbilical cord for blood vessels. which finding is considered to be within normal limits?

2 arteries and 1 vein


the nurse is conducting a staff in service on multifetal pregnancy. which statement regarding dizygotic twin development should the nurse include in the teaching session?

dizygotic twins arise from 2 fertilized ova and may be the same sex or different sexes


the nurse is explaining the function of the placenta to a pregnant patient. which statement indicates to the nurse that further clarification is necessary?

the placenta helps maintain a stable temperature for my baby


an expectant mother says to the nurse, "when my sisters baby was born, it was covered in a cheese like coating. what is the purpose of this coating? the correct response by the nurse is to explain that the purpose of vernix caseosa is to

protect the fetal skin from the amniotic fluid


a pregnant patient asks the nurse how her baby gets oxygen to breathe. what is the nurses best response?

oxygen rich blood is delivered through the umbilical vein to the baby


during vital sign assessment of a pregnant patient in her third trimester, the patient complains of feeling faint, dizzy, and agitated. which nursing intervention is most appropriate?

have the patient turn to her left side and recheck her blood pressure in 5 minutes


a pregnant woman notices that she is beginning to develop dark skin patches on her face. she denies using any different type of facial products as a cleansing solution or makeup. what would the priority nursing intervention be in response to this situation?

let the patient know that this is a common finding that occurs during pregnancy


while providing education to a primiparous patient regarding the normal changes of pregnancy, what is an important information for the nurse to share regarding braxton hick contractions?

these occur throughout pregnancy, but you may not feel them until the third trimester


physiologic anemia often occurs during pregnancy due to

dilution of hemoglobin concentration


which comment made by a patient in her first trimester indicates ambilvalent feelings?

i wanted to become pregnant, but im scared about being a mother


an expectant patient in her 3rd trimester reports that she developed a strong tie to her baby from the beginning and now is really in tune to her babys temperament. the nurse interprets this as the development of which maternal task of pregnancy?

developing attachment with the baby


the patient has just learned that she is pregnant and overhears the gynecologist saying that she has a positive chadwicks sign. when the patient asks the nurse what this means, how would the nurse respond?

this sign occurs normally in pregnancy, when estrogen causes increased blood flow in the area of the cervix.


an expected change during pregnancy is a darkly pigmented vertical midabdominal line. the nurse recognizes this alteration as

linea nigra


which finding is a positive sign of pregnancy

visualization of fetus by ultrasound


which advice to the patient is one of the most effective methods for preventing venous stasis?

rest often with the feet elevated


a gravida 1 patient at 32 weeks of gestation reports that she has severe lower back pain. what should the nurses assessment include?

observation of posture and body mechanics


when documenting a patient encounter, which term will the nurse use to describe the woman who is in the 28th week of her first pregnancy



determine the obstetric history of a patient in her 5th pregnancy who has had 2 spontaneous abortions in the 1st trimester, one infant at 32 weeks gestation, and 1 infant at 38 weeks gestation

G5 T1 P1 A2 L2


the nurse is scheduling the next appointment for a healthy primigravida currently at 28 weeks gestation. when will the nurse schedule the next prenatal visit?

2 weeks


which type of cutaneous stimulation involves massage of the abdomen?



which patient would require additional calories and nutrients?

a 20 yr old female who had a vaginal birth 5 months ago and is breastfeeding


which effect is a common response to both smoking and cocaine use in the pregnant patient?



what does a birth plan help the parents accomplish

taking an active part in planning the birth experience


when explaining the recommended weight gain to your patient, the nurses teaching should include which statement?

weight gain in pregnancy is based on the patients prepregnant body mass index


uncontrolled maternal hyperventilation during labor results in

respiratory alkalosis


a pregnant patient asks the nurse if she can double her prenantal vitamin dose because she does not like to eat vegetables. what is the nurses response regarding the danger of taking excessive vitamins

has toxic effects on the fetus


which technique would provide the best pain relief for a pregnant woman with an occiput posterior position?

sacral pressure


which fetal position may cause the laboring patient increased back discomfort?

left occiput posterior


which physiologic event is the key indicator of the commencement of true labor?

cervical dilation and effacement


to improve placental blood flow immediately after the injection of an epidural anesthetic, the nurse should

place a wedge under the womans right hip


the united states ranks poorly in terms of worldwide infant mortality rates. which factor has the greatest impact on decreasing the mortality rate of infants?

ensuring early and adequate prenatal care


the nurse is interviewing a patient who is 6 weeks pregnant. the patient asks the nurse, why is elective abortion considered such an ethical issue? which response by the nurse is most appropriate?

there is a conflict between the rights of the woman and the rights of the fetus


which patient is most likely to seek prenatal care?

a 20 yr old who is in her 1st pregnancy and has access to a free clinic


with regard to an obstetric litigation case, a nurse working in labor and birth is found to be negligent. which intervention performed by the nurse indicates that a breach of duty has occurred?

the nurse did not document fetal heart tones during the second stage of labor