Adolescence Plus MyVirtualTeen -- Access Card Package Flashcards

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Ian McMahon, Susan Thompson - 2014 - 576 pages

ISBN: 020599055X, 9780205990559

Note: If you are purchasing an electronic version, MyVirtualTeen does not come automatically packaged with it. To purchase MyVirtualTeen, please visit or you can purchase a package of the physical text and MyVirtualTeen by searching for ISBN 10: 020599055X / ISBN 13: 9780205990...559. A Positive Approach to Exploring Development! Adolescence, Canadian Edition, by Ian McMahan and Susan Thompson, combines rigorous, scientific coverage of adolescent development research with a scholarly yet enjoyable narrative style that is rarely found in textbooks. The table of contents follows an ecological systems framework to show how individual teens both affect and are affected by their families, peers, schools, and society. Adolescence also employs unique pedagogy to ensure students practise active learning and deep processing, focus on the practical applications of what they are studying, think critically and become educated consumers of the research.

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Publisher: Pearson Education Canada

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