Nutritional Sciences: From Fundamentals to Food Flashcards

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Michelle McGuire, Kathy A. Beerman - 2012 - 774 pages

ISBN: 9781133707387, 1133707386

Crystal Clear Science + Compelling Applications = A Balanced Program for Teaching and Learning In a concise format, NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES: FROM FUNDAMENTALS TO FOOD, 3/e clearly explains the scientific principles underlying nutrition while incorporating applications to promote a complete understandin...g of core concepts. This integrated approach provides a strong science foundation in a context relevant to students' daily lives and their careers. Supported by an impressive visual design, engaging case studies and interactive digital resources, NUTRITIONAL SCIENCES offers a unique, balanced program for teaching and learning.Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

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Publisher: Cengage Learning


science, life sciences

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