Essentials of Criminal Law Flashcards

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Neil E. Chamelin, Neil C. Chamelin, Andrew Thomas - 2011 - 300 pages

ISBN: 0135110572, 9780135110577

ESSENTIALS OF CRIMINAL LAW, 11/e is an easy-to-read, clear, and comprehensive introduction to criminal law for criminal justice majors and non-majors at all levels. Avoiding overly complex issues, it explains key principles through real-world examples, so they can be easily and quickly understood.... Thoroughly reviewed and revised for even greater clarity and relevance, this edition contains multiple examples from drawn from The American Law Institute's Model Penal Code. Even more than previous editions, it goes beyond a pure “law enforcement” orientation, offering a broader and more all-encompassing approach to criminal law. This edition also contains extensive updates to reflect the latest changes in statutory and case law; notably, revisions related to narcotics law, juvenile offenses, forgery and counterfeiting.

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Publisher: Pearson


law, criminal law

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