Human Resource Management: Human Resource Management - Chapter 4 Flashcards

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created 4 years ago by ibras
updated 4 years ago by ibras
business & economics, human resources & personnel management
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1. (CH4) What do we mean by ethics? a. Moral judgements b. Determinants of what is right or wrong c. Rules or standards governing a profession d. Elements of all of the above



2. (CH4) Which statement best describes ethics in business? a. Business is outside the realm of ethical enquiry and morally neutral or amoral b. Ethics in business do exist but differ from ethics in other spheres and may appear amoral in other spheres c. Business, politics and private life share the same ethics as part of a moral community d. None of the above



3. (CH4) What are Human Rights? a. Special privileges awarded to criminals and prisoners b. What the European Parliament decides is right c. Rights listed in the UN Declaration of Human Rights 1948 d. Rules designed to frustrate legal proceedings



4. (CH4) Which of the following is not a recognised form of organisational justice? a. Procedural justice b. Interactional justice c. Shareholder justice d. Distributive justice



5. (CH4) Stakeholders are the individuals or groups who: a. Are the shareholders in key competitors b. Determine the strategy of the organisation c. Dominate the operational issues in the organisation d. Have an interest or concern in the activities of an organisation



6. (CH4) What do we mean by Corporate Social Responsibility? a. The responsibility of an organisation to use its resources solely to increase profits b. The responsibility of an organisation to fulfil its economic, social and environmental obligations to all of its stakeholders c. The responsibility of an organisation to donate any excess profits to charities and community organisations d. The responsibility of an organisation to protect the environment at all costs



7. (CH4) Why is the sustainability debate so important? a. Because it is inclusive of all species b. Because it excludes some species c. Because it is specifically about organisation survival d. Because it relates only to human beings



8. (CH4) What are some of the elements of a transformational sustainability strategy? a. It is ecocentric, eco-efficient, with 5Rs – rethink, reinvent, redesign, redirect and recover b. It is anthropocentric, eco-effective, with 5Rs – rethink, reinvent, redesign, redirect and recover c. It is ecocentric, eco-effective with 5Rs – reduce, reuse, repair, recycle and regulate d. It is ecocentric, eco-effective with 5Rs – rethink, reinvent, redesign, redirect and recover



9. (CH4) What are Organisational Values? a. Rules imposed by the Management Team b. Beliefs or guiding principles that are core to the organisation and help steer the right actions c. The collective value of the organisation’s assets d. A statement setting out the organisation’s strategy



10. (CH4) Why is HRM in a good position to integrate ethics, justice, CSR and sustainability into organisations? a. Because of the responsibilities that HRM has for the key processes and practices in an organisation b. Because of the HRM role in promoting fairness and justice in an organisation c. Because of the ethical component set out in HRM professional standards and codes of conduct d. All of the above
