The scarlet letter: The Scarlet Letter Flashcards

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created 10 years ago by antman2go
book cover
The scarlet letter
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Grade levels:
11th grade
english 3, adultery, boston (mass.), puritans, women
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According to The Scarlet Letter, new settlements must establish at the beginning of the colony a cemetery and_________

A. an orphanage

B. a prison

C. a place of execution

D. a town hall

B. a prison


According to___________, the magistrates are too lenient in the punishment of Hester.

A. Chillingworth

B. Dimmesdale

C. One of the elderly women of the town

D. Mistress Hibbins

C. One of the elderly women of the town


After their separation of two years, the first time Hester sees Chillingworth again is

A. When he visits her in jail

B. She sees him in the market place crowd round the scaffold

C. When he goes to the balcony and shouts for her to reveal the father of her child

D. They accidentally meet in the graveyard

B. She sees him in the market place crowd round the scaffold


The three most important scenes in this novel take place

A. in the governor's house

B. In the forest

C. In the prison

D. On the scaffold

D. On the scaffold