Laboratory Manual for Human Anatomy & Physiology Cat Version Flashcards

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Terry Martin - 2015 - 800 pages

ISBN: 0078024307, 9780078024306

Terry Martin, author of the best-selling laboratory manuals to accompany the Hole’s Human Anatomy & Physiology texts, has written a stand alone laboratory manual. This series of laboratory manuals (main – no dissection, cat dissection, fetal pig dissection, and rat dissection) will incorporate Terry...’s clear, concise writing style. These manuals are not associated with any one text and were created for use with any anatomy and physiology text. The manuals also feature incredible artwork and photos. It can be packaged with Ph.I.L.S. 4.0.

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Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education


science, life sciences, anatomy & physiology, medical, anatomy

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